Thursday, March 3, 2011

Washington to change its state song to a Sir Mix-a-Lot jam?

Posted on Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 2:26 PM

A ballot proposal delivered today to the Secretary of State's office seeks to change the official Washington state song from "Washington My Home" to "Not In Our House," by Seattle hip hop artist Sir Mix-A-Lot.

The initiative, filed by self-proclaimed "Sonics guy" Kris Brannon, a Tacoma resident, is intended to persuade the NBA to return a team to Seattle. 

“The people of Washington State were robbed of our NBA franchise," says Brannon, "and we must keep the pressure on the league management to return professional men’s basketball to Washington.”

Should a team come back to Washington, the proposal would allow the state song to revert back to "Washington, My Home," which was written by one Helen Davis and adopted in 1959.

You be the judge.

Here's the current state song:

Here's Sir Mix-a-Lot's song:

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