Friday, April 29, 2011

MORNING HEADLINES: Dispensaries raided; something in the water at Sacred Heart

Posted on Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 7:39 AM

Medical marijuana dispensaries raided — The DEA raided several shops in Spokane yesterday just as their owners were meeting on raid preparedness at the downtown library. (Bloglander) Gov. Christine Gregoire says she will rule on a medical marijuana bill from the Legislature today. (KXLY)

Legionella bacteria found in water at Sacred Heart — Bottled water is being shipped in, as patients aren't allowed to drink or shower in the hospital's water, which is infected with a bacteria that can be harmful. (KREM)

Community gathers for Marek memorial service — More than 500 people in Kellogg, Idaho, attended the service last night for Larry Marek, the miner who died in a cave-in earlier this month. (CdA Press)

The royal couple gets hitched (see: every media outlet anywhere)

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