Monday, December 12, 2011

City Council to ponder water rates, Occupy Spokane at year's penultimate meeting

Posted on Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 3:11 PM

The Spokane City Council has a packed legislative agenda as the tenure of four members nears an end.

The makeup of next year's council was solidified over the weekend when councilman Richard Rush conceded his race for a District Two seat to Mike Allen. That means that four out of seven council members will leave at the first of the year.

Nonetheless, the council is busy tonight: There are five ordinances awaiting passage, along with three resolutions and four other items of special consideration.

Noteworthy among the resolutions is one supporting the local "Occupy Spokane" movement, authored by councilmen Jon Snyder and Bob Apple. Apple will be retiring at the end of the year. 

Two items under special consideration deal with contracts with a union representing city workers and prosecuting attorneys. These contracts, which could be approved tonight, were the subject of a letter last week from several incoming council members and the mayor-elect. The letter urged the council not to vote on the contracts until the new members had assumed their posts.

Finally, an ordinance  by outgoing council president Joe Shogan that amends water rates in the city will also be up for a vote. Shogan proposed the measure after he says he received numerous calls in opposition to a rate change approved by the council in September.

The meeting will begin at 6 pm in the Spokane City Hall council chambers. 

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