Monday, February 13, 2012
Dustin Gilman, the primary suspect in a triple murder in north Spokane on Friday
Around Here
Police still searching for triple-murder suspect — Dustin Gilman, 22, is the primary suspect in the killing of a mother and her two young sons in north Spokane on Friday night. (SR)
Detectives think Gilman faked suicide to throw investigators off his track — The triple-murder suspect allegedly called his father, said he didn't want to go to prison, and then the father heard a gun shot. (KXLY)
Gregoire to legalize gay marriage today — At 11:30 am in the state reception room at the Capitol, Gregoire will sign into law the bill passed by the Legislature last week. (KREM)
Rick Santorum in Washington today, Coeur d'Alene tomorrow — The Republican candidate will visit Tacoma and Olympia today (wonder how he feels about being in Savage country) before arriving in the Lake City tomorrow.
Around and About
Whitney Houston died — In case you'd managed to somehow miss this news (NYT)
Adele returns to form, cleans up at the Grammys (Atlantic Wire)
Athens burns — More than 45,000 protestors took to the streets after the Greek parliament passed a round of austerity measures. (Telegraph)
I'm Kind of Obsessed With This Song Right Now...
And the video's pretty damn good, too.
Tags: morning briefing , Culture , Arts & Culture , Video