Friday, February 17, 2012

Morning Briefing: Bing Crosby Theater bought by hotel owner. Plus, Queen Underwood to the finals.

Posted on Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 8:23 AM

Around Town

Ron Paul in Spokane today — He'll appear at the Spokane Convention Center at 7:30 tonight. (SR)

Bing Crosby Theater sold to owner of nearby Ruby Hotel — Gerald Dicker says he plans to fix the roof and expand the Bing-abilia. (SR)

Main break in north Spokane causes knee-high flood (KXLY) — Meanwhile, Mayor Condon is talking about putting off repairs to save money. (Bloglander)

Queen Underwood advances to boxing finals with victory last night (KREM) — Read our story about her.

Desmond Tutu to speak at GU commencement — To kick off its 125th anniversary, Gonzaga got the guy who helped heal South Africa after apartheid. (KXLY)

Seattle mayor floats "risk-free" proposal for a new NBA/NHL arena (Seattle Times)

Around and About

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are best buds (NYT)

Santorum has made $3.6 million from lobbying in recent years (Washington Post)

Jon Stewart tries not to make a Santorum joke (Atlantic Wire)

Mitt Romney is done with debating these losers (Business Insider)

Flickr founder launches Pinwheel — Caterina Fake describes the site as a way to "find and leave notes all over the world." (CNET)

Stonehenge design was "inspired by sounds" (BBC)

Events Tonight

Buddhist Convention at the Davenport

Breaking Away and The Bad News Bears at the Leonard Oakland Film Festival

Flying Spiders at the Blue Spark

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