Thursday, June 27, 2013
Holy hell. Hoopfest is coming. Grab your Air Jordans and get ready to hit the court. Here's a quick look behind the scenes. (KXLY)
Detectives search jail cell of murder suspect in West Central killing. (KREM)
After historic Supreme Court decision, same-sex couples still out of luck in Idaho. (S-R)
Washington state Senate waters down aggressive new DUI law. (Seattle Times)
An in-depth look at the radical changes at the Oregonian newspaper in Portland and the future of print news. (Willamette Week)
Texas executes 500th person since return of death penalty in 1982. (USA Today)
Zimmerman trial continues over controversial shooting of Trayvon Martin. (NY Times)
Hair style archeologist disputes widespread theories on ancient wigs. (WSJ)
Nelson Mandela shows improvement, daughter criticizes media. (BBC)
Tags: Morning Briefing , News