Spokane Valley victim's family, others upset with governor's
death penalty moratorium. (KREM)
Gun found by boy in Deer Park confirmed as weapon in recent homicide. (KXLY)
Spokane's Waste-to-Energy incinerator
fails to get vote to be reclassified as renewable energy source. (S-R)
Twisp girl, 11,
shoots small cougar tracking her older brother. (AP via Seattle Times)
Wildlife officials confirm first evidence of
wolf activity on Mt. Hood in Oregon since 1947. (Oregonian)
House passes "ag-gag" bill, 56-14, to prosecute people who secretly film animal abuse at agricultural facilities, sending bill to the governor's office. (Statesman)
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes bill that would have allowed businesses to
refuse service to gays and lesbians. (WaPost)
British surveillance agency, with help from NSA,
collected millions of images from unsuspecting Internet users' web cams. (Guardian)
A long story on how close scientists are to
resurrecting extinct animals like wooly mammoths and passenger pigeons. (NY Times Magazine)