Saturday, June 28, 2014

PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest

Posted By on Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 10:22 PM

On Saturday, the streets of downtown Spokane turned into the street basketball headquarters of the world, with 42 city blocks taped over for the nearly 7,000 teams expected to play in the 25th Hoopfest. Players and spectators alike enjoyed the sun and cool breeze that swept through downtown all day.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Teams play under fair weather.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Spokane streets were turned into a sea of basketball.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Anthony Parker, center, gets blocked by Will White, right, and Mike Zorich.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
15-year-old Grace Byrd, center, finds a hole to pass the ball to a teammate. Her team, the Hash Slinging Slashers, won both of their games on Saturday.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
The 6-to-12-year-old age group of Built In Athletics performs at center court.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Alex Brey, left, Erik Dunkin, Jake Mulean and Chris Sharpless of Madagascar Unleashed pose for a photograph.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Players and spectators walk along Wall St. and Main Ave.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Spokane local Matt Miller, right, finds his way to the basket.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Players and spectators walk through River Park Square.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Forty-two city blocks were blocked off for the 25th anniversary of Hoopfest, including Howard Street.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Spokane local Aj Avery, left, plays hard with friends from high school and pushes past Alex Steinmetz on Washington Street.

click to enlarge PHOTOS: Basketball fills the streets for Hoopfest
Matt Weigand
Players and spectators filled downtown streets.

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