
How to dress up for the Royal Tenenbaums Wednesday at the Bing

Mike Bookey Jan 20, 2015 17:06 PM

For our next installment of the Suds and Cinema series, we are hosting a screening of the 2001 instant Wes Anderson classic The Royal Tenenbaums.

We're opening doors for beer at 6:30 pm and then starting the movie at 7:30 pm.

Iron Goat Brewing will be on hand with their beloved locally made beer for $4 a pint and also giving out some Iron Goat gear to folks who take the initiative to dress up in character. 

After the screening, stick around for a special after party at the Bing Crosby Theater's new Ovations Lounge, which will feature the first night its top floor will be open. And yes, there will be drink specials. And music from a DJ.

We think you should come and if you want to win a prize, you should wear a costume depicting any character in the movie. You could be one of the hotel bellhops (what's with Wes Anderson and bellhops?), the doctor who's always in Anderson's movies in some minor role, the Egyptian guys selling Eli Cash some drugs. It doesn't matter. You could even be Dudley! The more creative the better.

More likely, though, you're going to go with one of the Tennenbaums and here are some pointers.

Fur coat + cigarette (unlit, duh) + hair clip = Margot Tenenbaum. Bonus: One of those dresses that looks like a polo shirt.
Track suit (any brand, red preferably) = Chas Tenenbaum, or one of his boys. Bonus: a dog.

Cowboy hat + any shirt or jacket with vaguely Western fringes = Eli Cash. Bonus: face paint
Sweatband + sunglasses + sportcoat = Richie Tennebaum. Bonus: tennis racket, beard or a live falcon
Pinstripe suit + mustache = Royal Tenenbaum.  Bonus: a cheeseburger
Bowtie + checkered shirt = Henry Sherman Bonus: Danny Glover mask
Power suit + pencil in your hair = Etheline Tenenbaum  Bonus: archeological equipment