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Mexico, a country long on the front lines of the drug war,
could legalize pot depending on the outcome of a case before its Supreme Court.
The Federal Reserve, which oversees the country’s banking system,
won’t take a penny from pot money, throwing cold water on a proposed marijuana bank in Colorado.
A woman
in Alaska is giving out free marijuana to people if they will stop doing Spice, a synthetic drug that causes people to behave in awful ways. There is
some evidence that having access to legal weed decreases the use of Spice.
A Michigan
farmer found weed in his corn crop. Yes, that kind of weed.
If you’re going to send weed through the mail,
make sure it goes to the right address.
The Cannabist has
a lengthy interview with Dan Savage, exploring the sex advice columnist's relationship with pot.
Jimmy Kimmel asked presidential candidate Bernie Sanders about where he stands on marijuana. Here’s what he said: