
Watch 2015's best viral videos

Mitch Ryals Dec 14, 2015 13:00 PM

December is halfway over, and that means another year of viral videos gone by. Been too busy to keep up with the most viral of this year's viral videos? We got you covered. 

As he's done for the past seven years, video editor Luc Bergeron created a supercut of 506 viral videos in 2015: 

YouTube came up with its own list as well: 

Not into the whole mashup thing? Here are a few highlights and a list of the top 10 videos for the year

A cop from the Dover Police Department rocking out to some Taylor Swift (37.8 million views):

Five-year-old Heaven King and her dance crew performing Silentos' "Watch Me" (119.5 million views):

Obama reads mean tweets about himself, in which he gets called out for golfing too much, wearing mom jeans and the outrageous price of a 30 rack of Coors Light, which apparently was $23! (34.7 million views):