Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Google discovers Russian-bought ads, Northern California ravaged by wildfires, morning headlines

Posted By on Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 9:25 AM


NEWS: Yesterday was either Columbus Day or, depending on where you were, Indigenous Peoples' Day. Here's a list of local cities that have made the switch.

NEWS: A student at Lake City High School was threatened on social media for refusing to send a nude photo, according to Coeur d'Alene Public Schools.

NEWS: The state Supreme Court, examining cases from Spokane County, ruled 5-4 that judges can restrict people from consuming drugs and alcohol, but can't give a pee test without suspicion.

SPORTS: Red Sox rookie third baseman Rafael Devers, just 20 years old, brings to mind memories of the youngest baseball-playing Brett brother, Ken.


Woman charged with vehicular homicide for Safeway crash
Brittney Moen, the 24-year-old woman who allegedly ran over three people on the sidewalk near a North Spokane Safeway on Sunday morning, was drunk at the time of the crash, court documents say. One man was killed; he has not yet been identified. (KREM)

Free speech
A federal judge has ruled that the Spokane Transit Authority violated the First Amendment when it refused to allow an ad from the union that represents its own bus drivers. (Spokesman-Review)

A mother's concern

Parents in the Mead School District are calling for the district to review its bullying and harassment policy after a student sent one parent's daughter a picture of a gun with the caption, "this would look nice next to your guys' heads." (KXLY)

California inferno

Wildfires in Northern California have now killed 11 people and burned 100,000 acres. Officials hope the winds will lessen, allowing firefighters to get a handle on the fires. (Los Angeles Times)

Fake news, comrade
Google has found evidence that Russian operatives used its platforms to try and spread disinformation and interfere with the 2016 election, sources tell the Washington Post. The company discovered that tens of thousands of dollars were spend on ads by Russian agents.

Weinstein's accusers speak out
The New York Times broke the story last week that film producer Harvey Weinstein was accused multiple times of sexual harassment; the women are now sharing their harrowing accounts of sexual assault and harassment with the New Yorker.

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Wilson Criscione

Wilson Criscione is the Inlander’s news editor. Aside from writing and editing investigative news stories, he enjoys hiking, watching basketball and spending time with his wife and cat.