Saturday, April 7, 2012

Blame the Deed

Posted on Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 8:23 AM

Not the Breed. Well I would. Had that breed been a Chihuahua. Beagle? Hell,
I'll even go St. Bernard. But the image displayed clearly, on your car's
rear window, is that of a Pit Bull or any other large terrier known for
their calming, even keeled temper. Not Snoopy. Not Lassie. Not Odie. A Pit
Bull. Now, I'm not a math wiz but the common denominator seems pretty
evident. Don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing your Pit pooch. Listen, if
you're a responsible owner, this is not a reflection of you. If you're the
reason that people get attacked and the dogs get euthanized, grab a mirror.
The dog isn't a status symbol. Owning one won't lengthen your obviously
tiny ego. Training takes work. And you have to love your new pet. Pull your
shorts up above your underwear and get a grip!


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