Saturday, April 28, 2012

Don't Stop Believing

Posted on Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 8:23 AM

To the woman in my life who is constantly trying to get away from me. Sorry
for the love I have for you that causes you to feel so much pain. It was my
mistake that caused this whole issue and I know that I need to take
responsibility for my actions. However, you are the one who will determine
what the consequences of my actions are. Please don't look at me "that way"
so that it will constantly torture your soul whenever you see me. Our
daughters need us to be strong and not to give up on each other. In doesn't
have to end like this, but I am very afraid that it will end with the "D".
Please consider going with me to get some help for us. Don't throw away
something before you know what you have.


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