Saturday, April 13, 2013

First Day of The Rest Oof My Life

Posted on Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 8:24 AM

Just needing to vent today so bear with me people. Turning 51 yrs old today
and I've made some decisions that have been a long time coming. For almost
30 years now I have taken care of everybody elses needs (parents, husband,
kids). I have given up doing all the things that I have always wanted to do
so that I could be there for each of you and make sure you were all happy
and healthy. Not complaining, this is how I chose to live my life and I
have no regrets. However, I have reached a point in my life where I want to
do some things just for me! That's right you heard me, just for me! Call me
selfish if you want, I don't care. As of today I am moving on. I am making
plans for a couple of trips, of course I will go alone because hubby
doesn't like to travel. Fine by me. I am only going to see movies that "I"
want to see. Don't think I've picked out a movie in 30 years, I always go
to the movies you all want to see. Again, not complaining, that's fine, did
it because I wanted to. But, you all need to understand that I am now
taking some time to do the things that I want to do. I'm sure there will be
some of you who will call me selfish, and I can live with that. I know that
I've been a good wife and mother to my family, I have three amazing kids to
prove it. So, next on the list, sky diving! Who's coming with me?


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