
Gorilla & Rabbit

Mike Corrigan Oct 24, 2001 4:00 AM
by Mike Corrigan

"After their two-bit stint at the San Quentin Petting Zoo, Gorilla and Rabbit rode the rails..." So begins the semi-mythologized biography of one of Spokane's most peculiar and entertaining original live music acts, the guitar and drums duo known simply as Gorilla & amp; Rabbit.

No one knows their true identities (or in fact if they even have true identities), or how unbearably hot it must get inside those flea-bitten suits (they are suits, right?). But one thing's for sure. That horrific Gorilla and his demented sidekick, Rabbit, are, together, a local phenomenon -- one that's not about to go quietly into the night. Not when there's fetid rock 'n' roll to be slung like chum to the masses.

Since appearing on local radar screens about nine months ago, G & amp;R have made an indelible mark on the Spokane underground scene -- and local school kids as well.

"Kids hug me," says Rabbit. "They're scared of Gorilla but love Rabbit. But that could be changing with Planet of the Apes and everything. All of a sudden, apes are hot."

They've astounded and delighted crowds at the Blue Spark and E Cafe and have performed before thousands along the Bloomsday course this year (which landed them on more than one local TV newscast).

"That's where all the kids started hugging me," says Rabbit, a little sheepishly. "People would stop and take pictures."

The duo also stars in a locally produced short film by Spokane filmmaker Rick Pukis called Gorilla & amp; Rabbit Go To Town. On stage, the duo is anything but cuddly and specializes in loud, jagged rock 'n' roll. Rabbit plays mostly drums. Gorilla is the guitarist. But it alternates.

"We do instrumentals and have some songs with lyrics. Most of the songs have to do with Gorilla and Rabbit."

What's next for the beastly duo (aside from their quest to dominate all local media)?

"We were talking about just playing out on a street corner somewhere," Rabbit reveals. "So be on the lookout. Maybe you'll spot us somewhere."