Anne Perkins: My brother gave us a Wii when we had nothing, and it changed our lives. We were able to watch Netflix and play games and many of the games were cooperative. This was before the TV became Netflix capable and we didn't have a converter box to watch broadcast TV. The most recent system he has gifted us is the XBox One and it is amazing.
Mary Stover: When I was 11, my oldest brother got me a Harvard sweatshirt for Christmas. Growing up, we didn't have money for anything like that — he earned the money himself working hard his senior year. It wasn't just that he spent his hard-earned money on me, it was that he encouraged my little girl dream of going to Harvard and becoming a lawyer. I cherished that sweatshirt and the knowledge that he believed in me. Best. Present. Ever.
Heather Klotzbach Riviere: One year my dad sent me an electric wine bottle opener set complete with foil cutter and aerator bulb. that gives me a James Bond-like thrill every time I open a bottle.
Leslie Hunt: A cover for the dishes being reheated in the microwave.
Kate Rau: From my then-18-year-old daughter: A beautiful vessel that I'd been coveting, filled with dozens and dozens of slips of paper on which she'd written something she admires and loves about me.
Bella Claire-Marie York: I grew up riding horses, and it's something I've missed most about my childhood. My partner purchased some riding time for me at a ranch just outside Spokane on big, beautiful Percheron drafts.
Morgan Watson: We had these four caricature drawings of my four sisters that were all made when I was not even a year old. So for over 20 years, they all had a matching set, and I didn't have one. Over the course of a fall one of my sisters carefully emulated the style of the other drawings and created one of me, making it so we finally had a matching set. ♦
Normally, we ask our question of the week of people we randomly encounter on the street. But with the coronavirus pandemic, we instead asked our followers on social media to share their thoughts.