On the Street

What's the worst experience you've ever had with a landlord or roommate?

Alicia Ben-SamZel: I moved to rural Utah for work, and my new landlord decided I needed to be married and took it upon herself to send suitable men to my door.

Laura Rhoades: Landlord gave us a no-cause eviction so he could raise the rent when I was seven months pregnant. He complimented us on how we decorated the nursery, too.

Brendan Flynn: Got kicked out over false accusations. And another one made me get a hotel room whenever she had family over. So yeah.

Samantha Falcone: My fiancé had a roommate that never washed the dishes (they were bought by my fiancé) and he asked his roommate if he could at least rinse the cups used for milk before letting it sit on the counter and get all crusty. The next day he got home from work and everything he owned in the apartment was thrown and shoved all over his room including the dishes!

Kate Bitz: My landlord failed to issue me a key for the front door of the building for nearly a month, then blamed the downstairs neighbors for using the deadbolt at night and tried to charge my neighbors for emergency maintenance when I had to call the landlord to be let into the building one night.

Shane Mabrey: Fairly recently, each landlord I've had thinks security deposit means bonus check for them. No matter if I leave the place spotless, they will say we spent two hours cleaning and have to charge you.

Jim McDonald: My little apartment in Monterey was broken into and all my music, guitar and TV were stolen. The police came and condemned my home because the ceiling wasn't high enough.

Blaise Barshaw: I married a roommate? ♦


Normally, we ask our question of the week of people we randomly encounter on the street. But with the coronavirus pandemic, we instead asked our followers on social media to share their thoughts.
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