David Egly: Rui! He can score, is a great defender, and has so much fun playing the game.
Bill Bissell: John Stockton without a doubt. Most people outside of Spokane have never heard of any of these other players, no matter how good they were.
Megan Boileau: J.P Batista the Brazilian Beast. Got my picture with him and I came to his armpit. In all fairness I love them all!!! GO GONZAGA!!!!!!
Marla Malmberg: Have so many but I will just pick three: Derek Raivio, John Stockton and Ronny Turiaf (the best cheerleader for his teammates!). One of the best things about most every player over many years wasn't just the players' superb abilities but the type of individuals they are!
John Erp: Derek Raivio. I like point guards though he's obviously not as good as John Stockton and lots of other former point guards. We have had a lot of good ones but Derek Raivio is my favorite.
Katherine Eleanor: Ronny Turiaf had by far the positive attitude and spirit it takes to succeed in life.
Terry Parker: Stockton. He holds the two most unbreakable records in all of sports. No one will ever break his steals and assist record in the NBA.
Chad McClure: Jeff Brown. One of the old skool dudes who got the Zags rollin' to many runs into the dance. And another local Mead High School graduate like myself. Go Zags!!
Ric Meyer: Easy. Adam Morrison. His NBA career might not have panned out, but he was my favorite at Gonzaga. I held on to his jersey for 12 years, hoping to one day get it signed. Two years ago, I reached out to him on social media. Met up with him at a game. He was super nice and chatted with my son and me.
Sheryl Ranus Anthony: There's no way to pick just one! Team is what they are all about and that is the key to their success. ♦
Normally, we ask our question of the week of people we randomly encounter on the street. But with the coronavirus pandemic, we instead asked our followers on social media to share their thoughts.