On the Street

What are you looking forward to most this summer that you didn't get to do last year because of COVID?

Colleen Friend: Traveling to see family including newest grandson!

Tyler Magee: Watching all my favorite bands go back on tour and NOT come to Spokane.

Jamie Storm: Not crowded indoor concerts. Maybe outdoors, it's still gonna be weird for a while.

Dusty Williams: Socially distance myself from people...oh wait.

Ian Nordstrom: Live music and sports.

Caya Berndt: Honestly, just breathing easy. We're fortunate in the Pacific Northwest, in that we have an abundance of nature to keep us occupied during the summer. I'm already an outdoors person, so I didn't feel like I was missing out on many of my favorite activities, like hiking... Now, a year in and fully vaccinated (thank medicine!), it will be nice to just go to Riverfront and not feel a jolt of panic and disappointment when there's a crowd.

Alan Ganger: Getting the vintage hydroplane back on the water. Been getting it ready for an event at the end of June.

Matthew Weaver: Hugging my mom, dad and brother.

Tom Sanderson: Two words. Base. Ball.

Nicole Miles: Watershed.

Neal Schindler: Out-of-town summer vacation.

Rocco Altobelli: Going to Canada. ♦

Mark as Favorite

Chewelah Winterfest @ Chewelah

Sat., Feb. 8
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