Question of the Week

How do you plan to stay cool during these record-breaking high temps?

Question of the Week
Every week, we ask our followers on social media to share their thoughts.

Maggie Brayton: We have a pool and are loading up on ice cream and food that doesn't require cooking.

Doolin Dalton: I will set up motion-activated misters inside and outside.

Kari Wood Cooksey: AC, baby.

Susan Smith Lindsey: I hope the city is setting up cooling centers. With school out and libraries closed, vulnerable children and elderly residents without air conditioning will need a place they can escape the dangerous temperatures.

Joseph Edwin Haeger: Heading to the Grand Canyon where it's supposed to be 82. See ya, suckerssssssssss!

Brie Edwards: A/C. It was installed three years ago in the house. It is a total game changer for summer.

Louis Morningstar: Awesome weather, I hope it lasts all summer long!

Michael Climu: Living in our pool, staying in the basement, and looking at real estate in Canada.

Brandon Warren: I'm going to jump in the lake naked.

Tom Sanderson: One does not plan to be cool... one just is.

Ian Nordstrom: Anyone have a summer house in Alaska they're not using right now?

Steve Cripe: Not do Ironman...

Jeremy Bergener: Day drinking.

Derrick Oliver: Swim in my neighbor's pool. Don't tell him. ♦

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It Happened Here: Expo '74 Fifty Years Later @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through Jan. 26
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