I hate driving, so I'm fine with the driverless car. I drive back and forth to Seattle all the time to see family, and it'd just be great if someone else could drive me. I'd definitely do that.
Built-in jacks behind each tire, so you can just press a button and it could move you out of a ditch or snow, or if you need to fix it. They have them on IndyCars.
Just something related to safety, anything safety-related. So if that's, I don't know, having outside airbags on the car, or something to keep you from sliding off the road, let's go with that.
I like old, classic cars, so I want them to look retro. To go back to the really simple, beautiful lines like on old Cadillacs or Mustangs.
Anything technology-related?
I've heard about driverless cars, but I wouldn't ride in one. The technology might not function, and cars don't have the same judgment.
I want cars to go back to how they used to be, less about the gadgets and more about safety.
Would you ride in a driverless car?
The safety would really have to be proven to me before I did.