Readers respond to the Spokane Valley City Council's refusal to pass a racial equity policy

Readers Respond
City of Spokane Valley photo
Spokane Valley City Hall

Readers respond to an article on about the Spokane Valley City Council's refusal to pass a racial equity policy (8/7/19):

Case Corrick: Things like this sure do get white people angry. White people hate talking about, or acknowledging, systemic racism in their community. They think it doesn't exist, but they're wrong.

Michael McMullen: One thing commenters here might like to look up is the difference between systemic, institutional racism, and your everyday, good ol' boy, N-word racism. They're not always apples-to-apples in comparison.

Keith Holt: I'm all for equality. Equity through policy is always a destructive measure.

Ken Lamoreaux: If you've ever been curious about what white privilege is, it's telling minority groups there is no problem when they keep telling you there is.

Ryan Huskinson: I'm curious as to which policies that either need to be changed or implemented. Everywhere you go around Spokane there are people of color pretty much everywhere. I've worked with them, gone to school with them, been waited on in restaurants by them and never thought twice about skin color because they're just another person. There is no segregation in town, no restrictions on who can join in on events, as far as I'm aware we're all in pursuit of life, love and happiness. So what city policy changes should be made so that life in Spokane becomes better for people of color?

Aaron Fink: Ah, so a handful of white people haven't experienced any racism, so it must be a conspiracy. Keep up the good work, Spokane Valley. ♦

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