EXHIBIT | Larry Blackwood
Larry Blackwood

There's something no shortage of spookiness in Larry Blackwood's "Ghosts and Empties," now on the wall at the Brickwall Photographic Gallery through Nov. 1. The show features black-and-white photos of an abandoned amusement park that are at once nostalgic, haunting and dreamlike. Also at Brickwall, you'll find the painting-like photos of Jen Mitsuko.

Brickwall Photographic Gallery • 530 W. Main Ave. • Exhibit runs through Nov. 1

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Artist Showcase: A Love Letter to Frondescence @ First Avenue Coffee

Sun., Feb. 16, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
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Mike Bookey

Mike Bookey was the Inlander's culture editor from 2012-2016.