For Your Consideration

Indulge your vices

Board Game

Tabletop board games are typically bogged down with dragons, elves, warlords and any other mythical creature that would look just great as a figurine. Thankfully, 2012 brought us nerdy gamers another creature to love/ fear: zombies. Zombicide is a collaborative board game for between one and six people in which players take the role of a survivor, each with a unique ability, to work together against the hungry hordes of the undead. As with most collaborative games, this is hard. You will most likely die. Every. Single. Game. But that’s OK. There are 10 different scenarios to play, and the more weapons you find and the more zombies you kill, the more “skill” you get.


The simple gallery of photos from Vice Do's & Don'ts is my Bible. This moral compass of sorts justifies my drunkenness, ungodliness disclaimer you may see vulgar photos on this website and affinity for men’s polyester pants. Conversely, the website lets me know it’s not OK to wear a pink thong with white jeans. Especially after Labor Day. Yuck. Check out the hilarious photos of fat sequined drag queens, drunk robots, adorably ironic hipsters and what can only be described as white-trash club rats trying to make it in the big city.


While I’m not always proud to admit it, I like to troll online forums like The Beard Community Bulletin Board. The forum claims to host the world’s largest online collection of beard images. The website also hosts a hilarious FAQ section with answers to questions like “Does wearing a beard make you warmer?” and helpful advice on “how to deal with comments from friends, family and co-workers.” Open topics of discussion include posts like “Women Really Don’t Like Beards,” “Beard Asymmetry” and “Beards on Broadway.” Best of all is the gallery. Find images of whatever you’re into. Porn staches. Chops. Or robust, jolly beautiful beards.

Higher Ground: An Exhibition of Art, Ephemera and Form @ Washington State University

Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Continues through Oct. 31
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Jordy Byrd

Jordy Byrd is The Inlander's listings editor. Since 2009, she has covered the local music and arts scenes, cruising with taxis and canoodling with hippies. She is also a lazy cyclist, a die-hard rugby player and the Inlander's managing cat editor....