TV | Created by Louis C.K., Zach Galifianakis and Jonathan Krisel, BASKETS is the story of a sad clown named Chip Baskets (Galifianakis) who returns home to Bakersfield, California, after failing out of French clown school. His life is spent running away from bulls at the rodeo, hitching rides from his insurance agent-turned-friend Martha (Martha Kelly), and disappointing anyone who cares about him. His mother Christine, played by Louie Anderson, might be the show's funniest character. The audience has a hard time sympathizing with Chip as he consistently dismisses the women in his life while pursuing a hopeless dream, and there aren't many laugh-out-loud moments, but Baskets has a certain charm that may keep you watching. Check it out on Thursdays at 10 pm on FX.
DOCUMENTARY | ISIS beheaded journalist James Foley in August 2014 after nearly two years of captivity. JIM: THE JAMES FOLEY STORY is a newly released HBO documentary about Foley as a son, brother and friend, before the video of his execution went viral on the Internet. In the documentary, family members talk about Foley's ambitions and what drove him to become a journalist in dangerous war zones like Libya and Syria, and those who worked with Foley describe his compassion and bravery. The second half of the film focuses on Foley's imprisonment in Syria, featuring interviews from fellow prisoners.
VIDEO | If you're interested in learning how to make things out in the woods, and you don't want to hear Bear Grylls talk, check out the channel called PRIMITIVE TECHNOLOGY on YouTube. A silent, shirtless Australian man films himself making everything from charcoal to a wood shed, and even shows you how to make poisonous black beans safe to eat. Somehow, watching this guy handle mud and cut down trees with rocks is endlessly captivating. His YouTube channel has taken off, with more than 32 million views. He also has a blog: ♦