I Saw You

Week of July 26

Natalie and Gurtrude: We met outside of the Conoco by Northwest Boulevard on Tuesday the 17th. You have freckled skin and red hair. You let me pet your lab Gurtrude. I didn't even think of catching your last name, but if you see this let's take her on a walk some time!

Red camaro girl 6/30: You were the beautiful brunette driving a red 67 Camaro with white rally stripes on Bigelow Gulch heading west just past Argonne Road while coming back from a Dukes sponsored poker cruise in CdA on your way home about 2:30 pm on saturday 6/30. You stopped to offer your assistance to me in my classic convertible that ran out of gas, which was super nice of you btw... I should've asked if you were single and asked for your number but was too nervous to say anything as I was mesmerized by you in your cute cut-offs and driving barefoot. We talked about your freshly restored car and your interior... If this is you and you're interested in meeting up again then tell me the color of my car or the maker of your interior so I know its you for sure... You can message me at (509) 599-4712

Tall Teddy Bear: From the moment I saw you walk into court, I knew we had a connection. You were the big loveable teddy bear everyone told me about: funny, cute and kind to a fault. Over drinks on the few dates we've had, our bond blossomed more and more. Ever since I left my last job, I've seen you less and less, and we've drifted apart. I know it's careless, but I want to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and call you mine. Here's hoping you feel the same.

Redbox Fox: I saw you on Sunday the 15th. You were trying to decide on a film at the Foothills Yoke's. I suggested an ice cream pairing since it was National Ice Cream Day. You laughed and smiled. I can't get you off my mind. We have similar taste in ice cream and movies. Sounds like a date to me?!

I need an exorcist...: ... Primarily because a phantom nurse has possessed me for far too long. A phantom, because I haven't seen you in two years. But I think about you everyday. Your birthday is July 14. I was discharged for the Army that day. We met August 13. My father died August 13. I let you go because that's what you wanted. Real love, I suppose. Tell Daryl Dixon I said hi.

Brunette Beauty: You were lying in the grass at Arbor Crest on Sunday 7/22 when I walked by and we caught each other's eye. Later we passed each other walking and again initiated eye contact, both of us turning to look back at each other. I've been thinking about you ever since - blue eyed, longer haired brunette their with a girlfriend. I was older, tall, very dark tan, sleeveless blue shirt. Would love to see you again.

Love your smile: That twinkly eyed, goofy smile is my favourite and it makes every moment of my life better. Thank you for being you. I love you.

Casper Ghosting: is something young, immature boys do when they don't have the courage or integrity to conclude relationships in a way they can be proud of. Since you are nowhere near a young man, I can only conclude that your emotional maturity is that of a teenager. No quality woman will ignore your inability to participate in a healthy, loving relationship. Have fun riding solo.

Jaywalkers need tickets too: Jeers to jaywalkers. I know there are drivers who don't pay attention to people crossing in crosswalk. However, pedestrians need to pay attention as well. Throwing yourself across the street just anywhere just anytime will result in injury and or death. A sensible driver driving 30-35 mph can't stop properly for you. What makes you think anyone else can? I really don't care if you are purple or plaid or what color you are, physics is just physics and it works the same for EVERYBODY!!! Bottom line, if you wish to cross the street, get to a cross walk! If there is no cross walk, get to a corner. Hey police, want to give jaywalkers tickets? Division is ripe with jaywalkers and so is Hamilton near Gonzaga where people go to get on/off freeway especially at night You want tickets? Hang out at night at these two places. Also, Division and Queen: Perfect place to catch left-turning red light runners and Jaywalkers. Same road, same rules, same rights, same responsibilities. That last "R" word is what they forgot to put in there.

Re: law breakers: Oh wow. You're brilliant and I agree with you. So many idiots drive down Upriver illegally. However, since your message, law enforcement seems to have a larger presence on the road, which is great since they should be able to ticket these asshole losers one by one until they disappear. Go police! You're appreciated. The asshole lawbreakers are not. Also, be sure to check their cars for pot because most of these losers aren't successful at anything so they smoke it before driving. Arrest and ticket these fools and make the city some money.

Cathy Represents Me?: We see all the "Cathy Represents Me" billboards around town. There is one Cathy McMorris Rodgers billboard missing: One with a photo of Donald Trump. Yes, she represents him. Our congressperson has voted in support of Trump almost 98% of the time. Her negative ads on Lisa Brown speak volumes to me. Apparently Cathy cannot run on her accomplishments and blind support of Trump, so she has to try attacking her opponent. "Liberal Lisa" even sounds like something Trump would tweet. Fair is fair. How about Trump Clone Cathy?"

Cheers and Jeers: Cheers to Trina at Great Clips in Liberty Lake for the great haircut and kind interaction with our adult disabled son. But jeers to a Spokane Valley barbershop for refusing to cut his hair because he is unable to transfer from his wheelchair to the barber chair. They said they did not want to bend down to cut his hair. Shame on you. ♦

Sketching Historic Browne's Addition @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Fri., Sept. 20, 1-3 p.m.
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