I Saw You

Week of Jan. 24


Sweet Turns:
I saw you snowboarding, you were practicing your toe-side carving. You had on a green jacket and helmet. When you crawled up the hill I said you looked like a turtle and we both started laughing. Good times, let's do it again.

Ice Skating Beauty: We spoke following your beautiful moves last week at Eagles Ice Arena. I was astounded to hear you'd been skating only two years. I was too shy to ask for personal lessons from you.

Newport HWY Safeway: I was shopping in the afternoon 1/28 around 1 pm, saw you come into the store and thought to myself, "wow a very attractive man in a grocery store in Spokane of all places." I went through the checkout then you followed with one person between us. You then moved to the lane next to mine when the clerk mentioned they could ring you up. I couldn't stop staring. The long wavy dark hair, those eyes, and the whole demigod demeanor had me so flummoxed I used the wrong card. You finished paying first and I ran after you, but it was too late you had gone away.

Road rage on a bicycle: To the lady I yelled at. Whoa sorry. That got out of hand and I was totally out of line. Here's where my head was. It takes a lofty amount of courage to simply go through the Washington Street tunnel on a bike. To top it off, the road "improvements" were only to pave which made it dangerous for bicyclists and the park construction keeps us out. So I was already fuming and when you honked at me I totally lost it. So, sorry again. It ended up as a little lesson of humility for me. Have a great day =)


Cheers to the Spokane Symphony!!!
This past weekend's shows at the Martin Woldson Theatre further prove that the openness and versatility of our local Spokane Symphony Orchestra shall forever reach out to welcome every citizen in our vicinity. As a musician, student, teacher and performer, I have — since childhood — always appreciated, attended and celebrated our very own SSO. Last Friday and Saturday, the Symphony performed along with a professional touring group to present the ingenious and highly intellectual music of Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon and Freddie Mercury — known as the British band QUEEN: A most amazing experience for fans, yet it also introduced a new generation to the beauty of Symphonic Rock music. Besides keeping alive the eternal works of past "classical" composers, the SSO also performs with infamous and legendary visiting artists while also presenting pop concerts, educational shows for schools, free concerts in parks, and famous films and Broadway musicals. Please, if you have the means and the time, explore and attend. If you don't have the means, call their office and you can find ways to attend. Help our city keep this greatest treasure.

Double Great! I can't tell you how lucky I feel that you are mine. I'm so grateful for everything you do for me and the love you have for me. I was smitten from the start. I often think how we met and here we are now, me never wanting to let this go. You make me feel complete and not afraid of the future because I have you. Matt, I love you

It's going to be okay: "I know you're facing some very hard trials right now. BUT I love you and I promise it will be okay." Those were your words. I love you too and this isn't getting any easier but with you - I believe in the possibilities and the joy in the everyday.


Side slap:
To the southbound SUV driver on Wall just before Francis, Tuesday, January 22, at about 4:45 pm: If you have to slam on your brakes because your brain can't calculate fast enough if there's enough room to squeeze past me on my bike and the car turning left, you either have to admit that a) you didn't see me — dressed in a neon yellow reflective jacket with a reflective yellow ankle band, on a bike with reflective accents and a super bright red blinking rear light — and you were operating your vehicle unsafely (likely tailgating or speeding or both), or, you intentionally chose to make that boneheaded maneuver and risk nearly killing me. After all, you were so close that I could easily reach out and make contact. So which is it: you were driving blind or you were driving unsafe?

"Monkeys": A message from a dear friend is what prompted this jeer. This friend of mine is living under a student visa and studying at my college and tonight he reached out to me. When he got a hold of me he was full of uncertainty, but it was obvious that he was plagued by a bad feeling. He asked if it was more or less culturally normal for me to hear my dark skinned nephew referred to as a monkey by strangers. I was confused and perturbed by his question until he revealed to me the source of discomfort. While grocery shopping with his young daughter in Cheney, a grocery checkout clerk scowled at my friends daughter and called her a monkey without any prompting. Without a smile or a hint of playfulness, he looked at her with a frown and called her a monkey. My intention behind writing this jeer is to shine a light on the ugliness and pernicious hatefulness that may go unseen by those fortunate enough to not experience it for themselves. For those that are not around for when it happens. I reassured my friend that this is not acceptable. Yet I have to sit here and wonder how normal an experience this is for people in my community.

Calm Down!!!! To the woman at the self checkout line at Walmart Shadle on Monday morning Jan. 28. You had a heavy accent and "didn't have time for this." Just so you were aware, their system went down momentarily and that employee was doing everything she could to fix the situation for myself and the other three people in front of you. I waited for you to let you know that this world didn't spin around you and you called me an asshole. Agreed, I am an ass at times but that woman at Walmart did not deserve what you did to her. So am I the ass or was it you? Either or, treat others how you'd like to be treated ♦

Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience @ Exhibition Hub Spokane Art Center

Mondays, Thursdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Continues through Sept. 30
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