Downtown Library May 30 I was scanning away at some research images, you approached blazing hawt in your mini skirt looking for your resume printouts. I was at a loss for words. We made lite flirting, but it didn't go further than that. Tongue tied, I wanted to invite you for a cup of coffee. I hope you got the job and if you read this let's go dancing like maniacs.
Sexy guy that helped us You live by Jefferson elementary. I see you daily on the hill normally with few of my girlfriends. You have a sexy lifted GMC Sierra (it's burgundy color). Are you married, seeing anyone? We honk at you every day but last Monday my girlfriend and I pulled up beside you. Tried whistling to get your attention you looked over and smiled then went on your way. If you're married she's extremely lucky to have man like you. You're still the best eye candy I've seen in Spokane. Another place I see you is Wake Up Call on Freya.
One in the 27,000 I saw you at Pride, rocking a Bernie T-shirt and those free rainbow sunnies. I was trying to breathe thru those crowds (that's a good thing tho!!!) and not get Cheeto dust everywhere. I'd love to chat sometime. Maybe in a less crowded spot? Sounds like you have great ideas!
Mc Makin' Me Smile Saw you at the Shadle McDonald's on Friday. Loved the casual denim and black look! You always make me smile and today was no exception. Next time, the Big Mac is on me!
How is Toby? Wednesday, first week in June, High Bridge Dog Park. Toby your Chion and my Gok Chee, previously friends, got into a scrap in the small dog area. Chee is just fine, how is Toby? Sorry I forgot to give you my email. Let me know.
Pizza Date? I saw you at Winco (North) on Sunday. You looked tired but still managed a smile and effortless kindness to the staff. Let me know what you thought about those new infuse yourself teas ;) Maybe we can make a pizza together sometime?
Cheddar Bae I saw you at Red Lobster on Sunday. We joked about how you were going to order a steak at a fish joint. Your smile and laugh made my whole week. Those biscuits are fantastic but they aren't as amazing as you ;)
Manito in the Summer I saw you at Manito Park on Saturday. You were faster than me, quicker and smarter but we admired the perfect weather, smells of whatever that group was cooking and sweet rambling sounds of the distant guitar. I was lucky to be able to step aside and enjoy the little things with you. Thank you.
Re: the one that got away Your last post did not get printed on time for me to show up on the 7th of June. This saddens me. I would have showed up had I known. If you are the man I am writing to CLS aka Yoda aka sausage fingers. Happy Birthday by the way. Call me 991-3858
Angels in Kendall Yards on June 13th On June 13th I had an accident on my bike in Kendall Yards. I have no memory of how it happened or who helped me. I just know that someone must have called 911 and someone used my cell phone to call my husband. Whoever you are, you tended to me and my property (purse, wallet, cell phone, laptop) until my husband arrived. Your kindness has touched me deeply and I cannot thank you enough for the time you took to care for me. Bless you. I will pass on your kindness.
Kayak transportation rescuers Cheers to the nice young couple who stopped to help me get my new kayak loaded securely onto my car at Dick's Sporting Goods this past week. My friend and I plus a Dick's employee were having a hard time figuring out how to secure it with the ratcheting straps I bought. When you noticed our struggle, you didn't hesitate to offer help, which we gladly accepted because you obviously knew what you were doing (and we obviously did not!) The time you took to fix our setup and show me how to do it was much appreciated! I'm taking my kayak out for its maiden voyage today and feel so much more confident about transporting it to the lake safely!
Northside WinCo 6/7/19 To the teenage girl who was absolutely humiliated by your crazy mom in WinCo and in the parking lot while she screamed at you to find her !#@! Car and slapped you. JEERS to her! I stopped to report her and to let you know I was on your side but then I feared you would be beaten when you got home. It made me incredibly sad! Cheers to you for putting up with her, please know that you can break the cycle of abuse and rise above your raising! I had a mom just like her and I rose up by reporting it and never repeating her abuse with my own children. Remember it might be scary at first but you should reach out to school staff for help or to a sane relative that can get professional help for your mom. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this, there's absolutely no excuse for her behavior! I'm sorry I didn't call the police right there out of fear for you. I hope you're OK!
Highbridge Park I thought Highbridge Park was a place to bring my dog and also a place to play disk golf. Never knew it was a place for old men to troll and stalk other men asking if they want to have some "fun" in my car... Very creepy!!!!
Intense Hurricane Alert One girlfriend is enough, right? Perhaps even too much to handle in some opinions, yet not according to 40 year old "Hurricane Howie," who had a whopping 3 girlfriends at the same time (that we know of)! This man is the king of recycling, one might call him a master environmentalist in the way he cleverly recycles date locations, pet names and "good morning" text messages! All while convincing every girl she's the only one he has eyes for. Any girl who has always dreamed of being on "the Bachelor" is encouraged to seek him out and attempt a shot at "the rose." However, you must use caution because your best shot with this man is a label as some crazy ex rather than the woman who finally changed a troubled man. Don't worry though, this man has great taste in women and if you are affected by this crisis we have a whole support group of wonderful women who all have one unfortunate man in common. Beware because this storm is still out there on the lookout for many more girls to be his "one and only."
Bike warrior To the environmental warrior on a bike on Friday night June 7th, cheers to you for riding your bike, that's awesome! Jeers for motioning me to roll my window down to comment on my "Make America Green Again" bumper sticker asking how am I going to make America green when I drive a gasser? I flipped you off but what I would have said if it were the time or the place, is you don't know my life or what my efforts are. Calling out moms in big rigs won't solve our environmental problems it will take collaboration between science and community, it will take education, it will take voters, and yes sometimes that means hypocritical bumper stickers! ♦