Painfully Cold at the Co Op: Hey there! I saw you Tuesday night at the Main Market Co-Op. I was at the salad bar getting my spinach on and you mentioned how cold it was outside. I was, unfortunately, sick and shy. I am not sick very often, but I'm shy all the time. Except here, apparently. If you see this, feel free to respond, if you feel like?
Actually I haven't seen you: Define to soon: I try to focus on what is important in the here and now. Yes, I did see you quite a few months ago while I was trying get a few things done, the man I was accompanied by is my son. The balance of my world has been taken, I'm trying to do what I can to figure out what works best for me and rebalancing. There really is no better time than the present to say something if you see me while you're out and about, or I'm out and about because you never know when that chance is going to be gone. That missed chance really is quickly approaching. I don't write in here or really any columns, and if you reply I probably won't post again. I read these and am probably very wrong about any of these being about me, but it should help out the person you are sending all of these out to.
Brewery Girl: I saw you at one of Spokane's newest breweries. I asked what you recommended and I was more focused on your eyes than the beer. I did get the Pilsner! I wanted to say more, but you were with a friend. Can I buy you a beer? [email protected]
You Got Me Laughing: We had a brief back-and-forth conversation Saturday morning in the cramped SRHD rotunda. You made the lengthy, unpleasant wait far less stressful by responding to my anxiety induced gibbering. You were sitting to my right on the next couch over. I was the short girl in the green coat, blue jeans, black boots. Even though you were wearing headphones you were sweet enough to converse with me, even getting me to laugh several times. Ultimately, the only thing I asked you about was your number in line which I was kicking myself over after I left not even knowing your name. I'm hoping to see you again before this even gets published (IF it gets published). Sadly, I trust whatever small amount of social grace I have to shine through far more reliably from a keyboard so if you happen to read this and feel up to emailing me maybe we could hang out sometime: [email protected]
I Saw You In the Cold: I saw you marching in the cold and snow in the Women's March on Saturday, Jan. 18th and in the Martin Luther King March on Monday, Jan. 20th. You: Taking responsibility as a patriotic American. Me: Knowing our government is formed "By the People." Our eyes, swelled with tears, locked and we knew this was important. I want to see you again! Meet me at the voting booth (or at the post office, your choice) on November 3, 2020?
Cheese Crisps and a Happy: Wish I saw you at Costco on Saturday. Thank you for picking up my dropped phone. I took your compliment and cheese crisp suggestions to heart. Your smile sure brightened my day.
Shopping for Soup & Getting Smiles: I saw you at Trader Joe's on the Northside last week. You were dancing and singing, complementing the entire crew. I hope to someday be able to look at the ordinary with positive eyes, optimism and thankfulness like that which you displayed. Hope you enjoyed the new soups!
CHEERSJob well done: A giant cheer to all the hardworking folks who managed a full city plow in two and a half days. You folks are my winter heros for sure. I'm so glad the city finally decided to begin plowing when a snow event begins not when there are 4 inches on the road and everything is a mess. Well done to you all.
PAML: Thank you to the gentleman from PAML who pushed my car when I got stuck on ice leaving Sacred Heart. I wanted to stop and thank you but was afraid I'd get stuck again. Sorry for leaving you in a cloud of smoke. I can't thank you enough. You're my hero!!
Witness for snow plow accident: To the amazing stranger in Cheney that helped me get my car out of the middle of the intersection on Highway 904 and Betz Road after a snow plow came into my lane and ran me into a pole. I was anxious and late and wasn't thinking but I would appreciate it so much if you could provide me with your contact info to be a witness, unfortunately I only have liability and the car no longer runs, so winning the case would be my only chance for a running car. [email protected]
JEERSNot so FORTUNATE: Albeit, probably thoroughly unnoticed by the vast majority of the public... but, Spokane has some ROUGH local business owners. And yes, this sucks. Not only to be announcing (for some of you the first time ever) but also for the employees that work for these local businesses, with careless owners. Specifically, a new business that has gotten oh so much positive attention lately. I am here to say though however: Treating your employees as if they're robots I hope makes all the ghosts in the basement haunt your conscience for years to come.
Delusional Sacred Heart Co-workers: You didn't win, It wasn't a good deal. Sacred Heart had the best negotiators money could buy and the union's negotiators were played like a fiddle. Record profits, awards and executive bonuses and you thought it was appropriate to humor them when they said they couldn't afford raises or safe staffing levels. The raise is a joke and the bonus is just a depressing reminder that this is the first job I've had where I didn't get an annual bonus. I've given five years of my life to this hospital and what do I have to show for it? Just a concussion, MRSA and an EBT card so I can actually feed my family.
This is for the Inlander Staff: I wrote a supportive piece on the importance of voting that including the support for the first amendment. It also "called out" (you may to look that up as to its meaning) the unsavory wannaby (sp?) influencers in Spokane that want to force Rep. Shea out of Olympia. Something I strongly believe the VOTERS should do if they believe that's what's best. CLEARLY the Inlander wants to influence the public also. By your selective — as seen this last week — publishing you printed one more wiener telling him to step down instead of reminding the voters they need to make important decisions and VOTE! Which in the grand scheme of things takes what is suppose to be impartial reporting into joining the "Fake Press." I can imagine ALL of your Spokane Smug Faces thinking how you publish this amazing paper. Well at least you believe it and since you CENSOR by your selective reporting you can make ANYONE look bad and you look good. That's fine. Your paper has become a bird cage liner and NOT worth reading. Do I support Shea? NO! Does he have a right to speak? YES! Do you have the right to censor? NO! You're supposed to be impartial show both sides but this is such a chicken shit city I understand you have to kowtow to the powers that be. I won't be back. ♦