30 years: I first saw you 30 years ago. We were just teenagers, young, inexperienced, and both damaged. I saw you again 20 years ago. We were both still young, inexperienced, and damaged. We chose to make a life together and love one another. Now you have chosen to walk away, and left us both damaged. I want to see you again and heal. Please find yourself and come see me.

Nervous Smile: Saw each other Thursday night at the new Texas Road House. You were on your way out and I was sandwiched between friends in my booth. It made me happy to see you. We used to read through this section together often. Maybe if you see this we could talk again, like we used to?

Half Spicy Half Sweet: I saw you at Sushi Maru last Tuesday. You got the tonkotsu ramen half spicy. We both were enjoying an early after work dinner and the hilarious mix of tunes. Your smile lit up the room.

MLK Monday Drive By: Did I see you (D.J.) driving by my house more than once on MLK Monday during the day? You know how to reach me or stop...


Brownies Addition: Cheers to Sunset Grocery in Browne's Addition, for being a business not backing down to anyone who's rude, aggressive, a thief, or street scum giving homeless a bad name. Special thanks to Talon and April.

Moonlight in Spokane? Has anybody read the local Spokane poet Anthony Brighton? He wrote two collections of verse about our city: "Moonlight in My Coffee" and "Moonlight in the Urban Forest" and tapes his work to lamp and telephone poles around Spokane. Cheers to those who appreciate his work, although I imagine he must feel utterly invisible... even in Browne's Addition. Postscript-Anyone attend the marmot lecture?

Kudos to the Inlander staff: Cheers for publishing a negative "jeers" about your staff, and standing up for people who like to complain about the media. (Can't complain now that you've been published.) Sorry that you had to deal with jerk who threw a hissy-fit because his first submission wasn't picked. It was a very entertaining temper-tantrum to read and kept me completely amused on my lunch break.

IncrediGuy: Cheers to the lone cashier/bartender/server at Incrediburger & Eggs on Sunday night 1/26/2020. You did an amazing job at ALL the jobs. You deserve an incrediRAISE!


Working in the Kitchen: Was I uptight and kind of weird? Yes. Was I a dumb teen with crippling anxiety and bad social skills? Also yes. You had no right to bully me for two years straight. You had no right to purposely exclude me, to talk behind my back and blow a gasket when you THOUGHT I was doing the same. You had no right to refuse to help me when I got swamped, or shrug your shoulders when I came to work sick. I didn't stand up for myself at the time because I didn't know any better. I'd been bullied most of my life and was used to mistreatment. If I worked that job now, I'd tell you off for repeatedly changing the location of your stupid bowling night so I'd lose interest in tagging along. I'd ask what the f—- your problem was when you changed the subject to things you knew would disturb me. I'd ask why you seemed to derive so much pleasure from changing the rules on a dime to keep me from getting too comfortable, when you could have just ignored me like the adults you allegedly were. Yes, I was dumb, but I needed guidance, not a bunch of catty bitches acting like every bitchy clique on some teen movie.

Newspaper editors: I love newspapers! But I'll be damned if most editors won't return emails. Damn, that is irritating! They say "contact me" and don't reply. Could you folks at least let us know you got the email? And don't say "OK boomer"!

Hard to read movie titles/times: I freely admit to being on the north side of 50 and my corrected vision is not as sharp as it once was. That being said, each week when I check the movie titles and times for the Village Centre Cinemas, I find it a very difficult read. The contrast of the brown titles on white, and the small font make a perusal tough. I have far less trouble with the start times but I'm sure there are those who can't read them without a magnifying glass. I'm not certain Village Centre is getting their money's worth?

You try it: Yes, the work that I do may seem insignificant to you, after all, checking is so far beneath you. It is NEVER ok to berate someone when they are trying to help you, and all you do is complain. Grocery clerks are for the most part know exactly where everything is in the store. We direct, and assist hundreds of people in any one day. So, don't pick on your checker, we do the best we can. Oh yeah, the yelling? Never a good idea, makes you look bad.

WASTED TRIPS: Jeers to GROCERY STORES that advertise food in their grocery ads and then JUST STOCK the same amount as when there is no sale and force the customers to have to come back to the store as they don't usually restock the food item until after the weekend! Quit playing games to make more money and order extra quantities and deliver quality service to your customers.

Gun Control? Sorry, but gun control will never end the violence, maiming and killings perpetuated by crazed individuals, nor prevent those individuals from obtaining firearms, illegally. The law abiding citizens among us have had background checks, purchased our firearms legally, followed by being issued a concealed weapon permit from the police department. Keep in mind the 2nd Amendment, no need to repeat it here, for all legally armed citizens know what it states. For the uninformed people who would like to control firearms, be it registered by name, confiscated, controlled purchases, locked in safe... whatever, this will substantially reduce you and your loved ones safety. Perhaps if the media reported lives saved by guns all concerned would have a better understanding of the right to bear arms. I pray that I never have to take a life, but will not hesitate to stop dead a criminal indiscriminately killing a man, women or child, especially my family in my own home. I'm sure a thank you would be in order if you and yours were saved by a law abiding gun owner. I've never heard of a law abiding citizen commit a firearm tragedy. If a drunk driver kills someone do we blame the vehicle? Do we blame the knife in a stabbing? Do we blame the baseball bat for a beating? You get my point. Place blame on the individuals who made the wrong choice. Stop blaming firearms and/or the manufacturers of the same. Would you really want to restrict the purchase of vehicles, knife's, etc..? We need a little more common sense folks. Sure, restrict machine guns, high capacity magazines, however leave personal carry weapons alone, otherwise only criminals will have weapons, and god help us, for we will have no way to protect what is dear to us...Human Life! ♦

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Ben Joyce: Places @ Jundt Art Museum

Mondays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Continues through Jan. 4
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