Common sense save lives! I saw you in People's Park last week laying face down on the bike path on the far side (North) of the bridge. At first I thought you were just taking a sunny nap on a beautiful spring day catching some rays. It looked casual because a few people had just walked past you and your useless friend. Lucky for you that i'm not as useless as your buddy and not so scared of the Corona that I would just walk/ride around your broken head traumatized body (throwing up, seizing, heaving breathing) in fear of only having a 99 percent chance of surviving the virus if I caught it from you. So let me get this straight, the moral/ ethical high ground is practicing social distancing rather than helping a kid who has life threatening injuries? Take off your masks Spokane, make the 911 call and stick your Corona fearing virtue signaling heads up your own candy asses. P.S Cheers to Spokane fire and their super fast response. The two good Samaritans (lady and pitbull walker) Kid- I really hope this just end up being fun story for you to tell. Hope the adults in your life are solid and you are being taken care of and well advised.
High Bridge Park ATV Rider 4-15-20: Things are changing so rapidly theses days but I'm sure High Bridge Park has not become an ORV park. We saw you taking advantage of the current lock-down to enjoy a Quad ride through the park. I am however not shocked, Spokane has the highest population of people with " I am the most important person in the world" syndrome of any U.S. city. Now is the time to unite as a society, it is not the time to pick and choose which laws to follow.
CHEERSThanks Pizza Rita! I went to Pizza Rita on Indiana for my first take out food of the quarantine and the pizza was spectacular! So good! Thanks!
Angels In Uniform: The other day at my apartment complex in the Valley. The police arrived because someone had called them because some dude slashed some tires on a car. The handling of the situation was very very impressive. The dude did that because some lowlife stole his friends car and he was trying to get it back for his friend. Me and my friends were so impressed by the handling of the situation by Law Enforcement that it compelled me to write this. Thank you all who protect and serve us. You should get paid more for what you do. God bless.
To All The Nurses and Doctors: A big cheers to you all. You are doing the best job in helping us stay healthy all while putting your own health on the line. Thank you all so much! God Bless you all for being so selfless & having such big hearts. You are all truly Angels on this Earth.
JEERSTorn Flag: To the moron in the red truck flying the severely torn American flag on the back of his truck, kick rocks. This country is at a crucial point in history and for you to fly the flag in this condition has brought me to tears. How could you have the disrespect to do so?
Not Out of the Woods Yet: We're not really happy to see you. We might smile at you, but it's only because we're on the clock. Nobody is asking you to bake your own bread, or churn your own butter, but the very least you could do is take a second to consider how many people your local grocery and deli workers come into contact with each day. Perhaps you could forego your usual triple shot, soy milk, vanilla latte and make your own coffee at home. Here's another thought: stock up on what you actually need and cook your own damn food AT HOME.
Privilege protests: Privilege, that's what these protests are all about. You lot can at least be honest about that. Because if it were anything else, these protests would have started weeks ago. If it was about small business you all would have said something then. Only, no these protests are not about that, Its nothing but a big temper-tantrum because you were told you can't go over to your friend's house and play. I'm just gonna sit back and watch all these protesters catch covid-19, just after having been at a protest to end social distancing. I mean correlation isn't causation but that would be ironic.
Fibbers: You boast that grocery workers now have "hazard pay" of $2 an hour. GREAT NEWS! Why is it in the Jeers column you ask? Jeers go out to "Select" retailers that cut hours. Let's be fair.
Tactless Bikers: Gonzaga may be closed, but the Logan neighborhood is still here. Several essential businesses are still open, several more are trying to make a living online. On Sunday morning when you were blasting past, at least three churches' online services were interrupted by your excessively loud motorbikes. During the work week, several of us are trying to participate in meetings from home. We can hear the roar of your sexual insecurity from inside our homes with all the windows closed. Please go advertise the inadequacy of your masculinity on some other street than Hamilton.
Compromised Complainer: Sweetie, it's not that people don't give a f*@k, it's just that you would always find something to complain about. COVID is just your convenient scape goat currently. I'm sure at "19, 20 21" you weren't doing much better. I can't say you're setting the best example victimizing yourself and trying to make others feel small. Turns out virus or not, being a control freak still doesn't work. ♦