COVID ex chronicles: #1) lost after 2019 backcountry ski trip, blames Google maps, is unaware of pandemic and actually in Canada #2) refuses vaccine and prophylactic with latest tinder conquest, is a father-to-be #3) gets dui after drinking too much kombucha in recently purchased sprinter van, gets first job #4) vaccine trial volunteer, gets placebo, and chlamydia while attending rogue music festival #5) fistfights for artisanal bread yeast by day, cries in the shower in denim cutoffs by night.
Woman! The person "loving" you is grasping and clinging to any shred of hope that you won't come to know that argumentative PASSION(?) and CHEMISTRY(?) is "their" persuasive manipulation that has kept you offering multiple chances. Accusations and breaches of trust are the least of your problems. Be careful of that controlling theme. Abuse might be the shadow clouding your view. Look into the definitions, available at Domestic Abuse Services sites. Consider reading: "How To Be An Adult in Relationships" (Richo). "Safe People" (Cloud..?) "Proper Care and Feeding of Relationships" (Schlessinger). Abuse, addiction, and affairs are huge, high mountains to climb, but there is a clear view on the other side. Don't look back, at least not now. Consider this glaring reality: Is there a good reason the person loving you can't write and mail a thoughtful letter of apology and intent and send it to you in the mail? Why such a public forum for the regret? Stick to your decision if you are on a healthy path. Stay the course. There is love that is real and honest in life. Don't settle for bad habits. Let's hope the person "loving" you is plea-ing from a healthier place on their own journey. Stay well. Stay happy. Stay hope-filled for your best life.
Puppy love: Cheers to the Nine Mile Falls Newfoundland Breeders with the big hearts. They helped mend a broken heart when a Spokane woman trying to maintain a connection with her deceased daughter was scammed by a criminal. We should all take a lesson from you.Mommy, Momma, Mom: "You are more than just my mom. You are my best friend. Better yet, you're the bestest friend and bestest mom a daughter could ever want! I am truly blessed! Thank you for showing me (and continuing to show me) the unconditional love a mother should never stop having for their child! Thank you for being my strength & getting me through the roughest and toughest moments in my life when I was too weak to do it myself. Just so you know, you'll always be a "Super Woman Warrior Princess" to me! I love you, Mom!"
Meaningful Merlyn's: Thank you to the man and child who asked me to take their picture at Merlyn's with the dragon. It was so lovely to see you both having such fun while being masked up and socially distant. Having such a normal interaction in these abnormal times made my whole day!
In a harsh world: To the person reading this, I feel like it's important for you to hear this. You a beautiful person, someone worth happiness and love. We make mistakes in our lives but that doesn't mean we are our mistakes, we just need to learn from them. There are so many people on this planet, but not a single one of them are like you. You are important, you are worthy of love and support. You reading this, please remember that even through this hardship, you aren't alone. I truly hope, reader, that the rest of this year and the rest of your life brings you happiness, luck, support and a strong sense of community. We may not be as close and things have changed, but there is good in the world. It's OK not to feel good though, and sometimes the best thing a human can do is just sit with another in the dark. So when you read this, please know someone is thinking about you. I wish you the best of luck.
To the Washington state government: Laid off because of Covid for a second time... First time it took almost 6 months for unemployment to give me any of the funds they owed me, and the help I received from my family is the only reason I still here. Now it's happened again, laid off over three weeks ago, and unemployment continues to disqualify me because they say they overpaid me last time (I checked, they definitely did not). So yeah, let's talk about the Covid death toll, let's talk about how much bigger that number is when we include all the people this government has put out of work and left without any way to survive, without any resources; then politely tells you to go away while you're asking how you're supposed to pay to feed yourself and put a roof over your head after they took your job away and gave you no alternative.I argued with Bad Santa at my chimney! Jeers to Chimney Sweep! Bad Santa (not to be confused with the genial chap from the North) came to my home to clean my chimney. While my back was turned so I could grab my mask — after all even good elves know what's right — Bad Santa walked in without my knowing. I turned from my rack to find him by my fireplace, no headgear in sight. His little reindeer left outside had said she would hoof it for her mask, but Bad Santa was without! When I confronted Bad Santa about his lack of festive apparel, he jeered at me and lectured that this pandemic was no big deal and strictly like the common cold! I stood flat-footed and told him he had no idea where I had been (I knew he'd been in countless houses already)! It wasn't safe! He waved at me without a twinkle, and poo-pooed my worry. This Bad Santa knew better than the good scientists of the world! He peeked at my chimney, and declared it clean — no magic there, despite being hired! He asked about usage and made fun of our habits, despite being suggested by previous Santa Sweeps. This Grinch swooped out, never doing his work, and left me confounded, and possibly infected. Jeers to the [Bad Santa Sweep], and to all, stay safe!
Professional dolt: Jeers to myself. I apologize to the lady whose car I almost got into while she was sitting in her car in the Shadle Walmart parking lot. When you are tired and just want to get home, one red SUV looks pretty much like any other. I was embarrassed and unable to say I'm sorry due to what I think is a common American social tic. I can say excuse me, thank you, please and occasionally you're welcome. But like Elton sang, "Sorry seems to be the hardest word." It involves fault, a gaff, an intentional or deliberate mistake, and seems to carry far too much emotional weight for being so small a collection of letters. I am sorry if I startled you. I did not mean to try to get in your car. Thank you for not yelling at me. Sincerely, Jennifer
UPS: Jeers to UPS for telling drivers NOT to go into apartment buildings to deliver packages!!! UPS driver refused to deliver package Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. As I recognized the shipper - Amazon - and knew the resident, I delivered it myself. She as well as I have had packages stolen that were left inside the building. Mine was of medical supplies few people would know. Folks - request a signature or have your seller ship thru USPS or FedEx! I have alerted KXLY about this also as a news story.
Of course CM-R signed on to the idioticus brief: Trump can give her her dollar now... wouldn't advise spending it all in one place, could be a very long time before the next one trickles down...
My representative? You supported a radical effort by Texas to take away the voting rights of other independent states. I'm a conservative. How are you representing me? ♦