Never alone: To my Ginger, everyday I see you trying so hard and I want to tell you how proud of you I am. You provide for our family, give us everything we could ever want, and you make us feel safe and loved. I am here for you, for whatever you need. Thank you for all the ways you make our lives brighter. You are never alone my love. Your Happy Jappy
Sativa Sisters family: Thank you to the incredible staff at Sativa Sisters. You all make a customer feel comfortable, welcome and make me want to keep coming back. I appreciate how friendly and knowledgeable you all are. Your kindness does not go unnoticed!!
Volunteer coordinators ROCK! CHEERS! To the Vaccination Clinic Volunteer Coordinators! Especially to Summer, who manages the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) at SRHD, Jennifer at Deaconess, and the folks at DOH at the Arena and others too numerous to mention. Best Volunteer experience I have had as they make sure we are informed, safe, warm and equipped. MRC began the year with approximately 49 volunteers and now has 499! To say that you folks rock is the understatement of this "horrible-hopefully-over-soon-thanks-to-you" pandemic.
The Inlander: Thank you for letting me try to be heard as I express how I feel. Born and raised in Spokane. I love you. We've got this. Hugg
Kind campers: A few years ago I took my grandkids to Round Lake to camp. One late evening my little dog got out of the trailer and took off. I thought I could catch her so left the trailer in my long (but not long enough) T-shirt, no shoes and my phone. I was unable to catch the dog, and my phone died, and it was really dark out. I was very disoriented, and even though I was still in the campground, I was hopelessly lost. Note this was 63-year-old grandma who was unsteady on her feet and worried about her dog. After stumbling around I came across a group of campers around their campfire. I must have been quite a sight. I was in tears and totally distraught. I asked if they had a map I could use, and they immediately led me to a chair to sit down. The women offered to drive me to the campsite, and the guys set off to look for my dog. When we got to the campsite there was that silly dog. I know I thanked them then, but I want them to know I will always remember their kindness.
My truck was broken down in your driveway: While driving by Launch Powersports of Spokane on Highway 2 the fan on my truck came loose and I was forced to pull over in their driveway blocking it partially. I was there for about 40 minutes while making repairs and Launch Powersports sent a pair of representatives to make sure I was OK. Instead of complaining about my truck blocking their business, they offered their mechanics and miscellaneous parts if I needed them to get back on the road. Launch Powersports has restored my faith in humanity. You are a Class Act! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Jeers to the shooter and the shill: It wasn't that "He had a bad day." It is that he felt entitled to have nothing but Good Days. In his mind, the fact that he was angry that he couldn't have something he wanted, or that he wanted something his God told him he shouldn't have, he felt entitled to lash out violently. Do you know who is having a bad day? The families of the victims going to the morgue to identify their murdered wife, husband, brother, sister, child. Going to be an awful lot of bad days for people having to arrange services, funerals, and burials for someone they had been planning meals, outings, vacations, and the rest of their lives with. Tempted with an apple, eh? I think she should have brained him with the apple and left him lying under the tree!Spokane police just laughed: I called Crime Check eight times in 2019. Without my permission a friend stole all my personal belongings and then sold them on Craigslist, eBay, Facebook marketplace, yard sales. When the police talked to him he told them I was on a lot of prescriptions and was worried about me. No more than anyone else plus I had only been two days after having a four and half major surgery. Instead of caring about my concerns (1.) told me to lay off the drugs (2.) I had nothing of value (3.) just take my loss and get on with my life (4.) If I didn't like it then move (5.) Handed me a note with the phone number for Frontier Behavioral telling me I needed help (6.) Refused to give me a report number and only sent an officer out again 7 months later to shut me up. I lost family heirlooms as early as 1800s. One was a sketch of Sitting Bull 1894 given to my great-great-grandfather who was good friends with Buffalo Bill Hickock and Troupe. Even sold items I had saved from my two sons who had died—Jeremy at 9 months in 1977 and Robby 28 in 2007. I had pictures and they could of cared less. I was treated with so much disrespect I just cried, which fueled their funny bones. At one point one officer plops down on the loveseat crosses his legs throughs his arm over the back and says "I hope you don't mind if I sit down." So far I have not had any agency who is willing to help or hear my story until I wrote a letter in the Free and For Sale section of the Neighborhood newsletter. This person made thousand of dollars off my life. I'm 66. Disabled in 2001 after being in a chemical fire at my job. Stroke in 2002. No one bothers calling Spokane police because they could care less and that's a fact in our neighborhood Rochester Heights. Thanks for nothing.
Junky store on Sprague shopper: Jeers to the Biden-voting, miserable whiner who wants to shut down a local business that's been around as long as I can remember. Seems you are disgruntled because you obviously don't understand how to follow arrows and your foodstamp card was probably declined. Go home to your parents basement and continue shopping at the big chain store that herds people in like cattle. You'll fit right in, although I'm surprised you would even eat meat with all the methane gas they produce. Seriously get a life, join the real world, maybe even get a job.
Double dip: If you're old enough you probably remember the "Double Dip"! That's a vanilla cone that is dipped twice into warm chocolate sauce. Yum! Of course in the modern world double dip would be when the City of Spokane raises property taxes AND applies for some of the 350 Billion dollars of the 1.9 TRILLION that American taxpayers are going to have to repay someday. OH??? You thought this was FREE money? Just printed up somewhere East of here that just comes out of thin air? OR some Billionaires pocket through taxing those terrible people for having the brains to make more than you or I? You don't think they can pay to come up with ways even with a Democratic President to protect their wealth? The Uber Rich can do that. The kind of rich will be screwed tax wise ALONG with the middle class (think working class) too. So there won't be any actual relief for the tax-paying people of Spokane if they can double dip just more to waste by the City. But that's all right as you'll be the ones paying it back—Right? ♦