Sad girl in a Gonzaga law sweater: Gonzaga law sweater, tiny gold hoops, pastel-colored rainbow nails, low bun, white high-top Converse and sweat pants.... probably a Scorpio... I saw you at Steele Barrel on a Wednesday night. You were by yourself and looked sad. I asked if you were OK. We talked and you opened up. You let it all out, and I could tell you needed to. I felt like I've known you for years; I was captivated. And it wasn't because you're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, no. Not your looks, but because of how down to earth you are. You are so genuine and silly and quirky and just seem like a pretty god damn great human being... anyways. I hope you feel better, and I hope we cross paths again. And, I hope you like girls.
Smizing in the post-vaccination observation room: On Friday, April 16th at 10:05 am in Post Falls, we had just received our second dose. You sat across from me: hairy arms, wire rim glasses, rolled jeans, the heels of your slip-on shoes folded down. We made eye contact several times and smiled at each other with our eyes — most notably when you proudly affixed your new button to your T-shirt. I deeply regret not trying to flirt with you. If you're interested in grabbing a drink with the girl wearing the tie-dye mask, with traces of pink in her hair, send me an email at [email protected].
Newly single mom: I see you running your kids from place to place, racing to your job and racing home daily to take care of your children while your husband is hanging out with his girlfriend at the bar of the week. I see your tears, I feel your stress, and I wanted to tell you that you are not alone! You have so much support! Shame on your loser husband for what he has done to your family, your kids deserve better than him. Chin up!
Saw you at north Winco: To the gorgeous guy at the north Winco around 11:30-midnight on April 2nd; we made eye contact once walking past each other in the seasonal/random home goods aisle. You were wearing a black zip-up hoodie, light jeans and dark shoes. I was the short guy with glasses and a Resurrection Records hoodie dressed in all black. I thought your eyes were stunning, and I wish I hadn't been too shy to make eye contact with you again when we walked past each other in the frozen foods section. Hopefully you see this and I could take you on a date sometime? [email protected]
Thanks for the compliment! Cheers to the young woman walking into Northtown last week who complimented me on my look and my hair. You made my day!
Going round & round again: Jeers to WADOT: how much crack are you folks smoking?! You narrowed down Monroe St both ways same with Mission; now you're putting in three more roundabouts?!! Seriously? We already have six that I know of; we are Not Europe or Canada!!! You're telling me that we can't get solar panel traffic lights? Yes, they exist & there's the solution to traffic issues. It also helps with energy concerns; the sun is always there giving the panels energy even when the sun is not shining. Why can't you team up with IDOT and solve the State line issue of desperately needed traffic lights. How about giving the public real solutions from right here in the good 'ol USA?
Red state and E.WA anti-vaxxers: Dear Right-Wing, Ultra-Conservative Supporters of a Deposed Leader: Yeah. So we all are quite aware of your idiotic political stance on every subject ranging from immigration to weapons laws to abortion, as well as your undying support of insurrection against the U.S. Capitol. You claim to be Pro-Life and you uphold your "family values," yet you *refuse* to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and/or you continue to populate public businesses and to form large gatherings with your failure to wear any sort of PPE whatsoever! I mean, HOW SELFISH and STUPID are you? Really... Yes, we understand you merrily drank that delicious Orange Kool-Aid for four years, and that you will fight to the death for your "god-granted" freedoms, and that you will flat-out refuse anything the sitting government advises us all to do. But, for the love of humanity — and your parents, your kids, and grandkids, and the future — GET VACCINATED and use your masks!!! COVID will only be conquered if we all go forth together and do this! (Special note to our Idaho neighbors: quit bringing your COVID over here; we're pretty tired of dealing with higher numbers because of your stupidity and ignorant Trumptardisms.) Thank you. Signed, A Native (and militantly liberal) Eastern Washingtonian.
You want another Trump? Jeers to the Inlander and last week's column entitled "Abolish the Police." I fully support the laudable goals you set out in the second to last paragraph of your article. But the "Abolish the Police" headline and the "Defund the Police photograph will ensure another Trump or Trump-like candidate in presidential and local elections. Those headlines play right into the fear of many White voters who support the authoritarian right crowd. When Black Lives Matter goes on record saying that looting is OK in the wake of White on Black killing, it sends White voters to the right. Haven't you seen the right-wing candidates already lining up for 2024? Pompeo, DeSantis, Cruz, Graham, Ernst, Haley, Hawley, Lee, Sasser, Scott. They'll tell voters that the left wants to abolish the police and pull out articles and photographs like the one in the Inlander. If the progressive wing of the left doesn't work on its message, the voters will move to the right. The 2022 election is closer than you think, and the message you're sending by such articles does not help your cause.
Ingratitude: "Lost dog and gratitude" certainly. Hit the nail on the head. Ingratitude is sweeping America like another COVID-19 plague. With Evolution teaching our children that we are animals, is it any wonder that they act like animals? When gratitude goes out the window, so does reason. Hence the push for semiautomatic weapons. Jac Archer thinks we should throw out the baby with the bathwater. You don't chop down a tree just because of one rotten apple. I know some very fine policemen of all colors. The last thing we need is a vigilante patrol. ♦