Flags on Pickups: You people who drive around with big flags on your pickups are only announcing to the world that you pee sitting down and disrespect women. You know who you are. You don't impress anyone.
Happy to Be Stuck with You... in the Checkout Line: You were ahead of me in the North Division Fred Meyer checkout line on 9/29/21. You were wearing black jeans and a sweater with stylish black boots. We laughed about how empty we thought the parking lot was compared to the long lines inside the store. From your funny comments and laughter, you seem to have a very fun personality. You had the most gorgeous eyes surrounded by cute freckles. The rest of you was pretty nice to look at as well. I'm sorry if I appeared standoffish when I stared at my cellphone. I had to do it to force myself from staring at you. Which is a good thing, because I would have soaked my face mask with drool. I hope whoever you are with tells you how special you are every single day.
Looking for My Hairdresser: My hairdresser worked at Oasis Salon on 29th. I called today to make an appointment, and they said she no longer works there. WTF!! They would not give me any information at all, so I'm lost. Does anyone know Jayme from Oasis? I don't know her last name, but I've been going to her for more than five years.
NFL Football National Anthem: Cheers to the NFL deciding to have two national anthems before each game this year (the Star Spangled Banner and Lift Every Voice). It's a step in the right direction, but isn't complete yet. At last report, there were players from many different countries. So, to be fair to everyone, the NFL should also include the national anthems from their countries. Now I know some may object to playing the national anthem from other countries and insist on only playing the two national anthems from the U.S., but I wish the NFL would at least think about it. Also, I know some of those represented below are actually part of the U.S., but since they also have their own anthems, I think it would make sense for them to also be included on the list. So, my advice is to play anthems from each of the following countries before each NFL game: Germany, Canada, American Samoa, Jamaica, Liberia, England, Australia, Nigeria, Haiti, Tonga, Scotland, Virgin Islands, Ukraine, Uganda, Trinidad, South Korea, Sierra Leone, Romania, Puerto Rico, Poland, Philippines, New Zealand, Malaysia, Japan, Estonia, Czech Republic and Cameroon. As players join from other countries in the future, I hope their national anthems will be added as well, so as not to leave anyone off or make anyone feel bad.
Thanks for Making Me Happy!! Mr Bill, I've been in love with you since the day we met. You've made me so happy, and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you very much, and I hope you never forget that.
Self Entitled?? Me?? Lol You left a nasty note on my car at Wandermere Fred Meyer Sunday the 3rd (afternoon). You said I am self-entitled and I am what's wrong with the world. I actually waited for you to move to the side of the lane for cars like everyone else does, like you are supposed to do. When you continued right down the middle, I safely went around you. You need a reality check, and I want you to know: You are the self-entitled one here!!! God I hope this reaches you!!
Disappointing Thrift Store in Spokane Valley: For months this Spokane Valley thrift store's public restrooms have been closed. The restrooms in their downtown store remain open. I think they could invest in reopening the restrooms in the Spokane Valley store to be helpful to their customers. It's a popular store; you think they would care about the needs of their customers. Lots of families, elderly and handicapped people depend on public restrooms. I believe it is very inconsiderate to fail their customers too. They're pricing has gone crazy too, and it is really giving me second thoughts about shopping there. The other day I saw a plain, beat-up, used black tote, and they wanted an outrageous $9.99. A plain dog harness was priced $9.99. That's the price for new in a pet store. I thought they were supposed to offer good deals. Not sure what's going on there, but I am very disappointed.
Dirt Road Trash: Jeers to the King and Queen of the trash heap in North Spokane. The queen has conned your way through the trash that is your lies and left nothing but garbage behind for me to clean up. The king is dumber enough to believe you and may have taken you in, but we all know the stench of your lies. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
RE: Inlander 9/29/2021 Jeers Section: A quick tally of readership priorities: One person came to the defense of missing women of color. Three people came to the defense of Dodge truck generalizations. Yikes.
Righteous Sheriff Ozzie: I watched your YouTube video on officers not wanting to receive the vaccine. I am a health care provider, and the idea the so-called "public servants" refuse to get vaccinated is disgusting. Remember that all health care providers for the public also care for you and your officers. We are pleading for people to get vaccinated for the health of us all. So much for protect and serve. The last person I want "first responding" to me is someone unvaccinated that places their own selfishness above public health and safety. Honestly if you don't get the vaccine, just quit and save all of us from your "personal beliefs or religious exemptions" banter. The real public servants treating patients have no problem with doing what's best for our patients and fellow Americans by getting the shot and getting on with the job.
RE: Jeers Unvaxxed by Choice: Smokers, alcoholics and the obese do not overwhelm ICU beds. Eastern WA and North ID must be very liberal. Per conservative dogma, liberals make poor choices and then expect others (the taxpayers) to rescue them. That is exactly what the unvaxxed are doing: making a stupid choice and then expecting our health care system to save them via the sacrifice of others. RINOs!
YOU Make the Call: It's easy — either get the shot and potentially be one of the rare hundreds who experience a breakthrough COVID infection and survive, or don't get the vaccine and be one of the millions who have died from COVID-19...YOU make the call... it's a no-brainer... the folks who aren't getting the vaccine do exhibit signs of not having a brain, soooo? ♦