I Saw You

Week of April 7


Sorry I Hit You with a Door: I saw you and your male companion entering the Red Robin as I was leaving, so I held the door for you both. Since he entered ahead of you, I assumed he, or even you, would grab the door instead of expecting me to stand there holding it. I let the door go. It appeared to hit you quite hard. Sorry!


Not Selling Out: Raise a glass to the home sellers who are selling to families, individuals, couples, etc and not some investor who will gouge your friends and neighbors. I get their offers are lucrative, sometimes cash offers, and hard to turn down, but you help all communities when you sell to people who will live there for an extended period and not somebody who will charge 2x the cost of mortgage to live...you all are underappreciated!

White Dog on E. Frederick Ave.: To the lovely human who slowed down when they saw my giant white dog galloping down the street: I don't know how I would have caught her if you hadn't stopped and called for her. Thank you for being aware of your surroundings (so many people drive way too fast on that section of the road), and thank you for helping me wrangle my dog. She now has a collar with no plastic parts, so she won't break out of her collar again!

Very Thankful for Your Help: I was at Northern Quest Casino on March 26 and slipped on some water on the floor. Two strong guys helped me up, and so much was going on I didn't get to thank them. I really appreciated their help. I hope this message gets to them.


Bad Buns: You can't fool me insipid "pretzel bun," you're really just a tasteless hot dog bun in disguise. First, you hijacked my beloved lamb sandwich, then you claimed the wonderful Philly cheesesteak, and now the French Dip Royale. Is there no end to your culinary destruction? Please go back to your little frankfurter. Oh, the inhumanity of it all!

Phony Prevagen Snake Oil: Every night, national news broadcasts air ads for Prevagen, a drug designed to prey on the fears of senior citizens who worry about memory loss. This fake cure-all has been lambasted by Dr. Zorba Paster on NPR as the product of pure quackery. Notably the big pharma makers of this drug have not sued Dr. Zorba and you can be sure that this is because the good doctor is speaking the truth. Once again greedy drug companies are attempting to manipulate people into buying a high priced and completely ineffective concoction because they think we are too stupid to check into Prevagen's dismal results before running to our doctors to beg for their snake oil. To quote Dr Zorba: "Quack! Quack!"

It's Not "Camping": What makes for a legal campground? The answer to that question appears to vary depending on whether it is state-owned land or private campgrounds; however, there are considerations made when determining where one can camp. Safety, for the camper as well as others, is always important and should be paramount. Most designated campgrounds have some sort of accommodations for trash disposal, bathroom facilities (even if just pit toilets), and campfires. The illegal "campsites" along the Spokane River are anything but safe as they create significant risk for injury, fire and public health in general. What happens when a dangerous rescue mission is needed when a person falls into the rapid flow of the springtime river? Where are the "campers" using the bathroom? Multiple campfires can be seen dotting the riverbanks as one drives along Upriver Drive at night. What happens when one of these spreads? How are the needs of individuals suffering from mental illness and attempting to self-medicate addressed? These illegal campsites are a bigger problem than a "housing crisis" and ignoring them isn't an act of compassion.

Disgusted with the Human Race: What is wrong with you? Were you never taught wrong from right as a child? I find it hard to believe that you don't know that stealing is not only morally wrong but also against the laws that all humans are to follow. You think it is OK to come into our stores and just help yourself to whatever you want. Just because law enforcement might be to busy to come arrest you, don't think for one minute that the universe will not right your wrong eventually. It will come for you. Who do you think pays for the items you steal? I promise you that karma will be back on you — it may not be today, but it will come.

Silver Pickup...You Ding Dong: Sunday 3/27/22, you, speeding down a residential street with children and loose animals. That is why you got THE FINGER. You are a criminal. Next time that angers you enough to back up, scream through the window, get out and physically assault a disabled person (it was recorded), you may want to reconsider behaving in such a manner with a company name emblazoned on your door...

Response to 'Wake Up, Voters': Maybe you should sit back and read the great writings of MLK and realize you, my friend, have been greatly manipulated to believe that everyone needs to see color and not character. Wake up and see it's not a war against Left and Right or white and black; we're clearly being divided as a nation, and instead of caring for your neighbor whether they're Republican or Democrat, you've turned yourself into a political voice piece for a very destructive government agenda.

Re: Anyone home? To the person who wrote the review about Avista still being closed to the public, I couldn't agree more. It sends a very clear message that the people who work at Avista can't be in contact with the general public despite the fact that the rest of society is open and many of those industries never closed or have been open for a long time. I guess they think it's OK for teachers, retail professionals, and others to be in contact with the public for long periods of time every day, but they shouldn't have to be. I just hope they do a better job of keeping their river property cleaner than they did in the past. Before they started developing their "river park," homeless people camped out in front of Avista and spread their garbage everywhere. Despite the fact there were signs indicating camping wasn't permitted, the signs had been covered with spray paint, and Avista did nothing about it. Ideally, it would be nice to have a park along the river in this area of town, but knowing the track record of Avista, I doubt it will end up being ideal for the taxpaying citizenry. Keep those doors closed, Avista. You don't want to have to breathe the same air as your customers.

Jeers to NFL Fans Keeping Kaepernick Out: You have Deshaun Watson playing who has 22 sexual assault allegations playing for the Browns. You have Jameis Winston who has three sexual assault allegations dating from college and two years afterwards playing for the Saints. You have Tyreek Hill, who beat up his pregnant girlfriend including punching her in the stomach for which he was convicted of domestic abuse, playing for the Dolphins, But the hill you die on is an American showing his First Amendment right to free expression. First off, if you were a true Seahawks fans, you would know that if a player is injured you are supposed to take a knee to show respect, Colin Kaepernick was kneeling for the 12th man. You let Michael Vick, a dogfighting ring operator contuine to play in the NFL for three years, but Colin is the hill you die on. Kap needs his job back.

Wake Up, Voters: I think you have some problems with yourself. You attack people with your words and have no idea about the ones you may be addressing. Maybe you had a bad day with someone, and in your little tiny mind you took it personal and grouped all right-leaning people into that incident. Funny I tend to group the left just the same way. It's not right, and I know that. I lean conservative, and most of my life I tried to understand folks and always go with what I felt was moral and made common sense. Do we hate and no longer trust each other? Seems to me our society is going backwards and forgetting all the progress we've made. Just my thoughts.

Collateral Damage: It's reprehensible that Russia has killed civilians in their occupation of Ukraine. Western media has focused on these "war crimes," promising ongoing coverage until the murderers face justice. However, why broadcast such atrocities now, when the United States has killed countless civilians during the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan? Where was the outrage then? We are hypocrites if we don't acknowledge our own country's "collateral damage." I'm pretty sure it matters what the civilians look like — the color of their skin, the kind of clothes they wear — that garners the most sympathy from the media. All civilians are equal, but some civilians are more equal than others. ♦

Woman, Artist, Catalyst: Art from the Permanent Collection @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through March 9
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