I Saw You

Week of July 14


BLONDE IN GRAY TESLA 3: We were both traveling north on Maple, Friday, July 1, around 1 pm. You were in a gray Tesla 3 — you waved, I waved back. Tell me what I was driving if you wanna hang out.

HOPE & FAITH: Walking toward my car, my heart leaped with joy. When my friend jumped out to introduce you, I lost it. You got in the back of my car, and all I could do was stare at you. The hottest man I'd ever seen. My heart was instantly yours. I was so shy, but I bravely told my friend that they couldn't have picked a hotter friend to help us that day. That was so long ago and even though we haven't talked in years, my heart is still yours. I keep hope and faith that life will bring us back together. If by some far-off chance you read this, let's grab coffee... or a drink.

BOWL AND PITCHER TRAIL: I used to run into you by accident every Sunday morning, and now? Write me if you'd like to run into each other again. :) [email protected]

CRICKETS Cd'A 4TH OF JULY: You had this ridiculously great smile, shiny silver hair and a pair of legit tall, black boots. I couldn't stop looking over at how cute you were, and you and your blonde friend seemed to be having a good time. I had to get my friend home, so unfortunately I only had a second to stop by and tell you how freaking gorgeous you looked. I should've asked you out. Second chance? Single? Dinner? [email protected]. Me: Tall ginger in white shirt, grey hat.

HEY NADINE! Why are we seeing you? That's the problem... sort of! You moved the homeless away from YOU and City Hall and put them all out on Freya and Second and... well, turns out that wasn't good enough! All the homeless are on Second and Third, Sprague, Division, Riverfront Park, MLK Blvd, etc. So Nadine, when will we see YOU and not this horrible homeless situation? When will you find a solution, so our homeless have an alternative? When will we see YOU and not masses of tents, tarps, RVs, trash, etc.?


TO THE BADASS WOMAN WHO SAVED ME: You braved the current of the Little Spokane River to drag me to safety. Your spirit is large and brave. I hope that the universe rewards that tenfold. I was shaken and scared, and you drug me back to safety. I asked your name but forgot it in the tumult. Genuine, heartfelt shout-out to you and all the kindness and assistance that you and many strangers provided to make sure that me, my man, and our kayaks weren't another seasonal statistic on the river. Blessings to you all!

JULY 7&8: My umbrella was left on the bus because sometimes I am absent-minded. Thanks to the kind people who enabled retrieval of it from the STA lost and found department!


DOGS AND FIREWORKS: These few days are wonderful.. fireworks. Please understand your dogs are trying to comprehend the noise..they are protecting you and don't understand. Give them a comforting break... calm them, pet them. And don't get ugly.. they are confused, and they LOVE YOU.

DOUCHE ON THE 4TH: You have ruined the 4th of July. You decided to take your recorded sounds of fireworks going off, amplified it a bizillion times and let loose. It came from the West Central neighborhood, maybe Summit Parkway or even San Souci West mobile home park, which is where I live. It started after 8 pm, and at first I thought, well, someone is having a good time. As it got closer to 9, I was outside smoking, listening to that awful booming and looking at the sky. Where's the show? No show. Just LOUD booming sounds, like a fireworks show. This sh** went on for HOURS!! Whoever did this? It wasn't nice. It wasn't patriotic. It was selfish, narcissistic and mean. Four hours the people down here had to listen to your prerecorded sounds. Did you bother to think about the people who had to listen to that crap until midnight? It's bad enough we have to put up with the planes; we're on a flight path. But what you did? Inexcusable. The thing about living in the West Central area? People take care of each other.

IDIOCRACY ON DISPLAY: Jeers to the clique of cretins at the CDA casino fireworks show, skanky girls screeching "Let's go Brandon!" and wanna-be bad boys bellowing "Merica!" and "Freedom!" — perfect extras for President Macho Camacho's neo-Neanderthal crowd in the movie Idiocracy, and in real life, the typical thugs and thug-ettes who show up at Trump rallies. Take note, sane Americans. The obnoxious Donald groupies at the fireworks display were not merely crude and rude. They gave us a glimpse of the real horror show about to descend on America.

LOST ANOTHER GOOD ONE: Sorry to see another great local reporter (Brenna Greene) leave the area. We just can't compete with the larger markets. Despite all of the information about Spokane being a "boomtown," we sure can't keep great reporters. So, wishing you well, BG, and hoping we would have lost someone else instead.

JULY 4 DEMONSTRATORS: Two years we've waited to gather again in Riverfront Park to celebrate Independence Day as a community, families and kids and friends alike. Under the lights of our iconic Pavilion, the city's beloved Symphony had gifted us a free performance of their skilled artistry with appropriately patriotic flavor. And then you SOBs with your infantile chanting and incessant drumming inflicted your audible assault on all who simply wanted to enjoy the evening. Do you think your antics won any supporters that night? Given the freedom you enjoy to gather and protest in the first place, couldn't you have shut up and moved on when the show started? Hats off to James Lowe and the musicians for playing so well that I was able to ignore the ruckus during certain songs, but Jeers to you for spoiling what was supposed to be a nice family-friendly event.

SITUATIONAL ETHICS: Read with interest today about the bicyclist who was almost/was run off the road while riding his bike on a city street. One is hardly safe driving in this city with people not paying attention, let alone thinking you're going to survive on a bicycle. Also of interest is the number of times I have tried (to NO avail) to motivate the city of Spokane into taking real note of the perils of walking on the Centennial Trail. The trail has become/is a freeway of powered vehicles of one type or another. Now don't get me wrong; I am a firm believer in exercising your thumb and index finger or your balance. But just NOT on a walking trail on an electric vehicle of bicycle design OR a one giant-wheeled skateboard type! Walk at your own peril! They are ALL going WAY too fast on a paved trail designed without multiple lanes!

PAVILION CONCERTS: Serious Jeers to the city of Spokane and its lack of planning. After years of design, a $64 million voter-approved bond, construction, and a pandemic, you've really let the people of this community down with what's (not) happening in the Pavilion at Riverfront Park. Where are the concerts this year? Have you looked at the lineup at the Kettlehouse in Missoula this year? There's no reason why Spokane couldn't have booked at least half of those shows at the Pavilion considering the majority of those bands travel on I-90 before or after their stops in MT. The concerts at the Pavilion last year were so good! Those nights of music and unity were a respite for our weary and politically divided souls. Who cares about the lack of encores because of the 10 pm curfew or the crazy $12 beverages — bring back the music! I'm honestly amazed that one of the three acts you booked is Phoebe Bridgers; I haven't totally written you off for that effort alone. But seriously, let's do better in 2023, OK?

FREE STUFF!!! Jeers to the people who put their junk on the curb with a cardboard sign stating free. Not all is junk, but if if your old furniture is tore up, do you really think somebody wants that crap or do you think your neighbor enjoys seeing that also? Stop being lazy and take it to the dump especially if that crap has been out in the rain for over a month or more!!

WHERE ARE THE BIRDS? Has anyone noticed...? No cheery morning bird songs. No bird songs all day long. It's been a week, but they have yet to return to the city where we live. Fireworks traumatize all birds. Does anybody care? Private fireworks are illegal in the city, but this year was the worst in the 60-plus years we've been here. M-80s all day and night is not a celebration, it is terrorism. Animals like cats and dogs and Vietnam veterans like myself suffer this time of year; the other victims are the birds. One of my chickens cowered in a corner for five days before she died; I could not save her. The 311 operator agreed. Nothing can be done about this human activity but hope and pray that someday they may learn how to become human beings. Meantime, observe how long it's going to take before the birds who did not die this time from this "celebration" ever return.♦

33 Artists Market @ The Wonder Building

Sat., Sept. 21, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat., Oct. 19, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat., Oct. 26, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat., Nov. 16, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sat., Nov. 30, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
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