I Saw You

Week of September 8


SPOKANE: PRAY FOR RAIN: In the middle of that night the wind passed on and left the land quiet. The dust-filled air muffled sound more completely than fog does. The people, lying in their beds, heard the wind stop. They awakened when the rushing wind was gone. They lay quietly and listened deep into the stillness. Then the roosters crowed, and their voices were muffled, and the people stirred restlessly in their beds and wanted the morning. They knew it would take a long time for the dust to settle out of the air. In the morning the dust hung like fog, and the sun was as red as ripe new blood. All day the dust sifted down from the sky, and the next day it sifted down. An even blanket covered the earth. It settled on the corn, piled up on the tops of the fence posts, piled up on the wires; it settled on roofs, blanketed the weeds and trees.

JUST GET COZY: Getting comfortable with change is something that takes practice. And since we've all certainly had a lot of practice in recent years, we should pretty much be experts at this point. I've learned that while change can most certainly induce fear, there's no real choice but to acknowledge the fear and then move on forward — probably best described as "name it and tame it."

EYE OF THE BEHOLDER: Want to give a shout out to the guy in the black truck who was rocking Metallica on Ash and Francis. Pulled next to him and started singing along, he gave me a WTF look for about two seconds before he realized I was fully rocking out with him. DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU SEE OR INTO IT YOU READ YOU CAN DO IT YOUR OWN WAY IF IT'S DONE JUST HOW I SAY — his delight made my week!

FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED: Thank you to whoever turned our phone in to the lost and found at Pig Out in the Park (near the skating ribbon) on Sunday afternoon. It was probably the group of young people who were sitting near us in the shade next to the river. We appreciate your kindness. May the universe shower you with good karma.


OBSESSED MUCH: Is it possible for the mainstream media to be any more obsessed with Trump? Seriously, whether it's Jonathan Carl, Nicole Wallace, Joy Reid, Maddow, Lemon... For four years, each and every day, all I heard was, "can't wait for Trump to be out of there." Well, he's out, he's been out, coming up on two years. Yet, all we hear from Biden, "MAGA this, MAGA that;" same from Jean-Pierre. Why is there NEVER any scrutiny directed at Biden? He was the one who was going to unite everyone. No more hateful rhetoric, reaching across the aisle, the adult in the room... Anyone remember all those promises? Yeah, epic fail in every department. Under Biden, soaring gas prices, violent crime, inflation, border crisis, fentanyl poisonings, attacks on police...the list is endless. But hey, no more mean tweets.

RUFF, RUFF! The shouts of wolf ring out. A wolf-crier sneaked past Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler in the primary, and others gave Rep. Dan Newhouse a scare. One is running for auditor, to oversee our county elections. Wolf-criers are on the ballot all over the country and the loudest of them all will likely run for president. In Kansas, abortion opponents have begun going door to door to harass voters, believing — or pretending to believe — that there was something hinky in the state's overwhelming vote in favor of abortion rights. Wolf! Wolf! The cries go on, with nary a paw print in sight.

CMR'S LATEST CLOWN HALL GATHERING: Drove by the Designated IQ Destruction Site and noticed only two vehicles in the parking lot: a Limo and a VW Bug.

STUPID PEOPLE: This is for all the people who complain about restaurants taking too long when they're understaffed. Either apply for a job and help them out or keep your damn mouths shut!!!

RAT RACE RANT: I'm sad about what's happening to Spokane. I grew up here, and I always loved how friendly and easygoing this town has always been. Over the last few years, it's changed so much. So many people are moving here thinking they've discovered this secret town, and they yammer on about how much better it is here than the big city they moved from. I get where they're coming from though. The big city exodus is happening for a reason. I wouldn't want to live in an overpopulated, expensive, crime-ridden city either. Everyone deserves to be safe and happy. What makes me so sad is that Spokane is changing into a bigger unsafe and crowded city, and there's nothing I can do about it. What once were safe and quiet neighborhood streets to walk or drive on are now filled with people speeding, cutting pedestrians or each other off, riding each other's a$$, acting aggressive and unsafe. There's garbage everywhere. Camp Hope is a waking nightmare. ... So for those who have recently moved here because you found this secret refuge of a town called Spokane, please remember a lot of us who've lived here our whole lives are grieving the loss of the old Spokane we loved so much.

ROAD PROJECTS: The road project at Dartford Rd in the county was supposed to be done Aug. 15, 2022, which is what the sign said. What a joke. even the detour to Wandmere Rd is not done. What are these people doing? You don't see anybody out there working. If I didn't do my job, I would be fired, so why aren't these people doing the job of finishing the roads? Where are the county officials? They could at least be making sure these companies they hire to do the work on these roads are working. When I called to complain about the work not being done, the lady hung up on me. Come on — it doesn't take two years to finish the project.

MACHO COMACHO RALLIES HIS MAGA ROBOTS: Cheers to wannabe President Macho Comacho aka Donald Trump for spewing hateful hyperbole at his most recent MAGA rally. Macho Man wasted no time in proving that the REAL president was absolutely right, that Trump's vile and violent speech encourages attacks against anyone he labels as his "enemy." Trump's paranoid fantasies and narcissistic hallucinations may make him perfect for a starring role in a remake of "Idiocracy," but in real life his MAGA cult has morphed into a clear and present danger to the Republic.

ON LOSING ROE VS WADE: Right to Life = Right to Rape. What a victory! What a great day for domineering men! Even better for "incels." Rape is back on the menu, boys! Back to the caveman days, the entitlement of Might is Right! With no access to help or control of their own bodies, women can be forced to carry the progeny of violent, cruel, hateful, misogynistic males. Now the "incels" (involuntary celibates) can control their own reproductive desires! Rape kits (rarely tested) further victimize the victims. The women forced to keep the children of these crimes are conveniently put aside for men's purposes. ... God, love, and motherhood are but a fiction. Victims are helped to a lifetime of trauma, misery and suffering while the criminals are allowed a long, safe and free life thanks to "statute of limitations" laws and their lack of capacity for empathy. Women, all that we have remaining are our votes for our voices. Please participate accordingly if you care to be autonomous in our changing world. ♦

Mark as Favorite

Woman, Artist, Catalyst: Art from the Permanent Collection @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through March 9
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