I Saw You

Week of November 17


RE: NEVER IMAGINED YOU OUT OF MY LIFE BUT... Hey there. It may or may not be the person you intended to reach, but here we are. If you couldn't imagine it and didn't want to go back, why say anything at all? It seems petty, cruel and a tad bit narcissistic. Whatever the case there's a lot of pain even after all this time, and frankly the lack of closure is the only reason why I may still be here. Can't leave but you cannot stay, so choose silence and the new life you created instead of knocking on closed doors. It's around that time you said goodbye. Pick up the phone or stay gone.

RUDE SHOPPERS: I see you throwing your trash all over the grocery store aisles. I saw you eat a bag of chicken wings and throw the bones in the produce for employees to pick up. I saw you scoop up a bunch of deli products and bulk food that you never intended to pay for. Customers and employees are sick of you. Stop being so selfish and disgusting. It is not someone's job to follow you around and clean up after you. Learn some manners.

RE: MISSING YOU: Baby, I do trust you, but I think you should just move on and try to be happy. I still read the Inlander weekly so, of course I would see your post. I'll always have a special place in my heart for you, but we just didn't jive right... way too far apart in age. Sorry, Baby, but I'm happier now, and you should try to be now too. Love and hugs, Baby Too Young


CRIME CHECK HOORAY: Thank you Crime Check for helping me when I wasn't sure if it was fireworks or a gun going off in our neighborhood last week. Much better response & the gentleman was friendly.

WOW 2 CRIME CHECK: Hey Crime Check I don't know if you read the Inlander or if your managers did, but this time when our apartment complex had prowlers in the parking lot, you sent a rolling police unit. Thanks — it sure scared the crap out of them. MUCH BETTER THANKS.

YOU'RE AWESOME! I saw you Friday the 4... sitting by Subway with 2 young boys... I think they called you grandpa... You ended up getting A&W... You have an amazing smile and loved how you were with kids... Couldn't help but smile at you. You gave me joy... Thank you...

AMERICAN VOTERS: Cheers to the American voters that wouldn't let the Trumpanzees completely destroy democracy. The big red wave was barely a ripple. Now if we could get the last two Trump SCOTUS justices and Justice Thomas to go away, America could possibly go back to normal. Unfortunately there's too much conservative hate out there for that to happen.

CHEERS TO THE JEERS: Regarding the unrealistic Pollyanna who finds the Jeers section petty and/or negative: Not so. I admit, I go straight to reading the Jeers because so many issues have been brought to light with awareness through succinct and descriptive writing. I frequently find myself impressed by the writer putting into words what I can't quite verbalize. Sticking one's head in the sand only works for ostriches, BTW.

MISSING YOU: We used to look at all of the drama in the Inlander. Now every week I hope to hear from you. I want to trust you. I forever will have you in my heart. Happy holidays bear. Our love is the club, our chemistry is the dj. Let's dance! I'm right here.

ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: Missing you is an understatement. I miss your smile, your touch, your shrimp Alfredo. I deeply love you and am still in love. I can't have you, and it sucks. All I want is my Irish kisses again. With all the toppings. I'll see you in my dreams. Brrrr.


AVISTA??? SAY IT'S NOT SO: Jeers to Avista Utilities. Yes the solar panel program works, with owners getting a one for one tradeoff for energy produced, and anything not used is "banked" for future use. As little as it is in the winter, everything helps with the power bill and clean energy independence... until the end of March each year. Avista doesn't want you producing to much energy (they limit you to 100KW a month), and at the end of March, they "wipe" all your banked energy off the books. You start with a zero balance on 1 April. It's not like they're not selling the excess banked energy on the wholesale market because they are. Checking with two energy companies over here in Idaho got me the answer that one rolls over your banked energy forever. Another cuts the owner a check for the wholesale market value. When called on it, Avista told me, "Washington state doesn't require us to repay the property owner, so we don't."

SAME STORY AGAIN: Well, the time of year has now arrived. Once again, we get to hear all about Gonzaga basketball as "our team," meanwhile forgetting every other team in the local area. Whitworth? EWU? WSU? Those aren't "our teams" but just other teams in the same geographical area. So, why should the news cover them? Oh well. Go Zags! Can't wait to see another run at the national title falling short again. At least they beat North Florida Community College. What a win! ZAGS! ZAGS! ZAGS!

LUMINO$HITTY: You stole my light idea because you live in darkness. You are marrying a city stooge, but who are we kidding, ten bucks says save the date for a 2023 divorce party. It has been quite the time these past four years seeing you fall in love every two months, but I can honestly say that at this stage of the game, you both are probably two peas in a pod. Shame on you for stealing my idea, and shame on you for running through male companions like a husky goes through chew toys. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the horsiest horse-face of all?

BATMAN: To quote Mr. Jack Nicholson, aka, "the Joker," "THIS TOWN NEEDS AN ENEMA!!"

CITY COUNCIL GOP MEMBERS AND NADINE: Feel played by the redistricting map process? Oh, boohoo! Remember when you and your friends gutted the Health District board and kicked anyone off who might disagree with you? Remember there was zero oversight or community input? Consider it even!

SHAME ON YOU, INLANDER: I read the "I Saw You" every week, and it has been something I always look forward to on Thursdays. After reading this morning's "I Saw You," I counted four different pieces attacking Republicans. Maybe it is just that Democrats read this section of the Inlander, but shame on you Inlander for obviously being pro-left and not allowing those on the right wing to express their opinions. As a proud Republican, I am not a white supremacist, I am not racist, I am not against LQBTQ. I care about about our city, I care about small business, I believe in working hard for what I have and not expecting a handout and for everything to be given to me. Do not allow your publication to make us all seem the same, or pretty soon we will see all Democrats/Liberals in the same light, and it won't be pretty.

MOTHER AND DAUGHTER WALKER HAYES CONCERT: Mother and Daughter section 15, row F. I spent the first hour of the concert seeing nothing but your behind because you had to stand. I was going to point out to you that you were blocking those sitting behind you during intermission when the people behind me yelled out to sit down. Your response — that you intended to stand for the entire show and that you paid for your seats — was very inconsiderate and rude. If you wanted to stand, why didn't you purchase tickets for the floor? Did you not notice that there were people who also wanted to stand moved over to the end of the row as not to block other peoples view? Kindness isn't a hard thing. Being aware of how your actions are affecting those around you is having empathy for the human race. By the way I too paid for my tickets. I had every right to see the show and not have it blocked by your large bottom. Totally rude and NO class. May I suggest taking an etiquette class.

HYPOCRITICAL BEHAVIOR: Just a short while back, churches decided to obey the WA governor's mandate and move all services online. This proved to be a bit of a joke. Then, they opened slowly and separated parishioners to maintain "social distance." Now that the "pandemic" is over (it actually isn't, according to the CDC and WHO, but stupid people have decided on their own that it is), some huge church in Spokane has decided it's best to crowd as many people as possible into two services "to give the best possible experience to newcomers." Ironic considering we now have not just the original virus that caused the lockdowns but multiple other viruses circulating. It really seems to be true. Humans (in Spokane) are the dumbest animals. Add a service. Continue to maintain distance. Cover your cough. Wash your hands. Stay home when sick.

RE: SCOOTER PLAGUE: Some of us might have recently needed a scooter or bicycle due to a car accident/insurance/license issue ... I agree, people need to be charged accordingly. If you have an issue with "fat people," you should give classes out for free. Let me know, I'll come. ♦

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Sweat @ Spokane Civic Theatre

Wednesdays-Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. and Sundays, 2 p.m. Continues through Feb. 2
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