I Saw You

Week of December 29


"I WILL HONOR CHRISTMAS IN MY HEART...." "I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me." A personal thank you of deep gratitude to the kindly old woman with a magical bird who when I was counting my last few dollars for Christmas at the check out line paid for my gifts for Christmas for my family and handed me the change from the 100 dollar bill. It was the most moving kindness I have seen in years. Merry Christmas and Thank you. I promised to light you a Candle at Church and I will at St. Als at Gonzaga. Sending love.

FUNDING CHOICES: All you have to do to support normalization of the: degradation, humiliation, and remote termination of employees, help eliminate worker self-esteem, undo 100 years of fair labor practices, enable the rise of white supremacists platforms, encourage the strip mining of the desert, keep 10 year old's sifting for minerals, help defend fascism, give to the desecration of the Constitution, encourage the defamation and belittling of all union workers, show your support for anti-Semitism, give an audience to holocaust deniers, promote ignorance, end democracy, all you have to do is just keep your Twitter account, then go out with your transportation spending choices and buy a Tesla.

CIVIC THEATER IS A GEM WOW! I saw a spectacular performance of A Christmas Carol at the Spokane Civic Theater. The set design, costumes, and special effects had my mouth agape with wonder. Scrooge gave the performance of a lifetime. What a great way to ring in the holiday cheer! Spokane has a treasure there at the Civic.

GIRL WITH THE GRINCH HEADBAND: Cheers to the checker with the grinch headband and her Christmas spirit. You made me laugh with your Santa story and made my day with your sweet smile.

THANX: Thank you to the good-looking older woman who gave a ride to my kitty and me as we were on the way to the vet in Mead. I often think of your kindness. Again, thank you.

SAFEST BIKE STORAGE: Ever Kudos to the merry prankster(s) who placed a bicycle on top of an old bridge pier about 20 feet high in the middle of the Spokane River next to the Sandifur footbridge in People's Park. Pray tell, how did you do this?

SHOUT-OUT TO THOSE STRUGGLING AT HOLIDAYS: This time of year even the most stoic and cynical feel the heartstrings pulled. We all have a lot of memories. If you're feeling lonely or alone, just know other people are thinking of you and sending love and warmth your way. We don't get to choose our families. Sometimes this makes it difficult to make friends. If you reach out for Friendsgiving to those missing family passed away or far from home or those without for whatever reason, thank you. This is a great time for reflection and building community. It's a time to share. You can share sadness, joy, cheer, love, friendship and, hey, even being annoyed as well as laughter. We're all in this together as human beings. Sending out a virtual hug to those in need. Let's make this Inlander section and Spokane reflect the holiday human spirit. All the best, Mrs. Claus.

MISSING YOU: We used to look at all of the drama in the Inlander. Now every week I hope to hear from you. I want to trust you. I forever will have you in my heart. Happy holidays bear. Our love is the club, our chemistry is the dj. Let's dance! I'm right here.

ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: Missing you is an understatement. I miss your smile, your touch, your shrimp Alfredo. I deeply love you and am still in love. I can't have you, and it sucks. All I want is my Irish kisses again. With all the toppings. I'll see you in my dreams. Brrrr.

KUDOS TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE: Spay, neuter, feed and protect pets and strays!

JUST DOING OUR JOB: Cheers to everyone who remembers that you need to turn off your car when you're getting gas even if it's cold outside. For everyone else, we are doing our job by telling you to turn it off.

VERY HELPFUL POLICE: A BIG thanks to the two helpful Spokane police officers who helped a clueless grandmother get the infant car seat installed in her Subaru Forester. I was outside the C.O.P.S. office at Lincoln Heights the week before last when your car pulled up — and you were so pleasant and helpful — the car seat was installed within 15 minutes. THANK YOU AGAIN

PURPLE-HAIRED LADY: My car died in the middle of the intersection on 29th and Lincoln, and you and your kiddo stopped to make sure I was OK and stayed with me so I wouldn't be alone. I didn't get to sincerely thank you like I wish I could have. Just in a panic, I left so quickly after that guy jumped my car. But you saved me from a breakdown, and I appreciate you so so so much! It's people like you who make me still have hope. Your kid has someone real special raising them.


JEERS TO ME: I let a really stressful week get to me and was unbelievably unkind to the people in line with me at Chaps. I am not that person and sincerely apologize for my rudeness.

DREAM JOB? CMR Cathy McMorris Rodgers, voted to chair the House Energy and Commerce Committee, how can you qualify, when you don't believe in, global warming or renewal energy, wind energy, solar power, water power, and electric cars, your ideas for re-election was getting oil from Russia and China, activated pipelines (the keystone that leaked large amounts of oil into our waterways), coal, basically anything that pollutes the environment, and saying that's you will work with the Democrats, I find that funny, when, you've done nothing but criticize them and their efforts in this field. also your re-election promises, help the veterans, lower food and gas prices, all which you've had time to do, the past two years, empty promises, just like your energy promises will be, also stating that nothing that Biden wants to do about this, has to cross your desk first, says it all, you'll do what best for the Republicans first, so basically nothing as usual for Washington, thanks for 20 years of empty promises

RE: I'M A CUSTOMER TOO: In my years retail I've encountered countless "Privileged White Woman" (and men) who interrupted while I was midsentence with another customer. The audacity was stunning! Regarding the clerk at Huck's: they may not have had the confidence to speak up. It took me years to build the confidence to verbally prioritize the first customer. However, you, too, could have told the other customer to wait their turn. It may have felt like racism to you - and maybe it was- but I suspect that it was more the ass-hat behaviour of the PWW than anything. "conscientious" people that pull off the roadway only to park over the sidewalk. I thank you in advance for enlightening me.

PLEASE PUT YOUR DOG ON A LEASH: Jeers to the mountain biker with an off leash dog in Riverside State Park Monday 10/3. You are breaking the law and I shouldn't have to ask you to put your dog on a leash. When I told you I was attacked by a dog you told me to "relax". How dare you, I was left scared and crying after your dog ran at me. I was attacked previously while jogging by an off leash dog on a public road, its owner said it was was "friendly" too. Then it bit me repeatedly and wouldn't let go. I'm glad you weren't wearing a helmet.

WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? Who is responsible for the planning and PLANTING out on Country Homes? We residents out in that area are AMAZED that anyone in their right mind would approve the number of plants that were put in out there! After just the short time it's been done, the plants are way overgrown, making it difficult to see on-coming traffic when trying to cross at any of the bridges! We also need the guard rails back on the bridges! Can't the plants be thinned out of this area and reused elsewhere around town, where I see other planting being done? Just seems like a huge waste of $$$$ to me! We love what was done and the reasoning for it, but who's going to be responsible for the vegetation over growth when the two year contract to maintain it runs out? Poor planning if you ask me!! ♦

Mark as Favorite

Sweat @ Spokane Civic Theatre

Wednesdays-Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. and Sundays, 2 p.m. Continues through Feb. 2
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