I Saw You

Week of April 6


HAUNTED BY THE SLENDERMAN: You kept ghosting me, but I didn't know you'd haunt me. You're my peripheral shadow. I didn't know you lived above me in my new apartment complex until after I signed the lease. There was a 1% chance of that happening, given the many apartments in this area. About 584 in our complex alone. There were three or four vehicles identical to yours in the parking lot during touring. If your rig had screamed "clown car" with an identifiable feature, I wouldn't have moved in. You know I work at the hospital next door. You weren't part of the equation. It's an honest coincidence. I can't knock on your door and explain this without looking creepy. I'm happy with my current boyfriend. He is a good provider and treats me and the dog well. I don't hate you. You're still my friend. But you asked me to leave you alone so as a good friend I will do as you ask. It's OK if you never want to talk again. I respect you and your privacy. You're just my strange hermit neighbor now. OK, Squidward. This is SpongeBob. Signing Off. Life's weird like that, huh?

CHARLIE SWEETGRASS: Northern Quest, state-line and a trash heap trailer...I saw you both. Enjoy your time away.


THANK YOU FOR STOPPING: Back in November, I was arriving at my friend's place on Eighth. I had just returned from Cinnabon and was talking to my passenger when I opened my driver's side door and let my little Parson Russell Terrier, Tommy, out. All of a sudden I hear the sqeal of brakes, and a puppy cry. I was still in my car because I had a doctor's appointment I was going to after dropping my passenger off. I get out of my car to see a hysterical woman getting out of her silver SUV and my Tommy sitting in the middle of the road. He slowly came toward me as I ran to him and had tread marks going across his groin and I just lost it. You with tears in your eyes said repeatedly, "It's my fault, I will pay for his vet bill, I will pay his vet bill!" My passenger quickly got a piece of paper and took your number. I told you I would take him to the emergency clinic, and you said you would come there. Upon my return they said a woman came in and paid the $587 that they had charged me. Anyways I just wanted to say thank you for showing me there are still good people in this world, and thank you for paying his vet bill. I wouldn't have been able to. Tommy made a complete recovery, and if I could submit a photo with this Cheers I would. Godspeed!

WELL DONE, NON-NEIGHBOR!! Cheers, property owners on East Dalton off of Flora! Your private rave on Saturday, March 18, was so lit you had the windows rattling till almost 3 am — two houses away. Ironically you don't even live there, but that certainly did not stop you from throwing one heck of a rager for the rest of the neighborhood to listen to! And to the partygoers and attendees, well done on not knowing how to respectfully park on the road, let alone in front of driveways. That was awesome!! The BEST part, personally, was staying up with my child, with severe Autism through the night because of the incredible music bassing up my home. Kudos!! But sincerely, the people that actually live on this street want to thank you. You really made our night memorable, and we won't ever forget it! Well done!!


CRINGY CONCERTGOERS: I'm trying to find out what my motivation is to go see another concert in a certain venue, which resembles a large cafeteria. I would've liked to actually seen Wolfy, or Myles, but because the floor is flat, and everyone stands up, the best one can expect is to crane your neck one way or the other to view the big screens. Then there are the drunk guys, yelling as loud as they can. Or the moron hitting your head while rocking out. Not to mention the constant envelope of smoke throughout the venue. At least the sound was OK, which the other small, in-town venues rarely achieve. My rating for the near $100 experience was a -2.

RE: BROUGHT A BABY TO A BAR: Hey Karen, you are a moron. Go back to your nursing home bozo!

NEW YORK TIMES: To the dingus going down Evergreen on Thursday morning at about 8:45 am. Reading the newspaper while driving... really? Get off the road!!!

DOWNTOWN LIBRARY JEERS: After having made a trip to the wonderful newly renovated $33 million downtown library, I am in support of the library employees who would rather help homeless people than conservatives. That's really brave. I noticed they don't just use the restrooms for using drugs anymore. Now it's out in the open for every patron to view. Why don't we all chip in and help them? If you wonderful and helpful people help load the syringe, I can help get the drug into the vein for them. It would be a great opportunity for kids using the library to see. Instead of just seeing them passed out on the floor and in chairs, they can also see how the drugs are administered to enable them to sleep so peacefully. It's really great what you can learn from a great library employee. Thank you. And I thought Reading Rainbow was a great educational tool. Silly. Silly. Me. Thanks for sharing.

DROOL ME ONCE: To the Passive-Aggressive young man working at a local burger joint. You're not the first creepy jerk to tamper with a patron's food, and you won't be the last. Or, to use my religious aunt's phraseology, "May the Lord bless you and see that you get everything you deserve." Amen.

RE: DOWNTOWN LIBRARY HOMELESS: I read with surprise and amusement the criticisms of the concern about the homeless in the newly renovated downtown library. Most surprising is that the insulting jeers were from those who called themselves employees (former or otherwise) of the library. While I would agree that the library is for all, those folks might want to check out their own policies. It's clear from those published online that sleeping, camping out and harassing others as well as drug use in the library aren't allowed. Based on recent news as well as personal testimony, it doesn't seem like those policies are being enforced or working. Why not just get rid of all those instead, and have the library a free-for-all? Drugs, alcohol, camping, sleeping, fighting, harassing, showering in the bathroom sinks, etc. Sounds great (or dumb). Homeless people, if you're reading, the library is your new home. Enjoy.

RE: DOWNTOWN LIBRARY: Here are some of the shelters currently open for people living on the streets: Cannon Street, Trent Resource and Assistance Center, Young Adult, House of Charity, YWCA Domestic Violence, Truth Ministries, Crosswalk Youth, Family Promise Open Doors, UGM Men's, UGM Crisis for Women and Children, and Hope House. Of those, only one is full. Many of them are below 25 percent in terms of bed capacity. The argument that the downtown library is a good place for unhoused people to come out of the cold is inane. Support the shelters! If people stop going to the library because they want to avoid what is perceived as an unsafe environment for them, then the library is just another (expensive) shelter. Dumb! Dumb!

BUYER BEWARE: He tells you he is a Tom Cat, but he really is a feral alley cat. Fourteen years I tried to domesticate him, spoiled him, bought him cars, got him jobs, gifts for every holiday. A well-kept cat. Couldn't keep his temper in check, verbal assaults, couldn't keep a job, couldn't even go get a driver's license. He is always the victim, and its always your or someone else's fault. Missing my big birthday party, not even a card, and then stealing all my birthday money? How low can you go. A leopard doesn't change their spots, so buyer beware!

TICKET FEES: What in the world defines a ticket fee? What is a practical ticket fee? They used to have less ticket fees when you bought from them at the arena. Found that's not the case. Bottom line you pay these huge ticket fees without any practical justification. How can these excessive fees be regulated?

UNMANLY MAN: Real men take responsibility for their actions. The first place cowards run and hide is behind lies. So what kind of man never takes any personal responsibility and takes credit for the success of others? How do we measure the cowardice of a man who was documented telling over 31,000 lies in a mere four years and still continues to lie at a breakneck pace? How should we measure the character of the men who worship and defend such moral cowardice? Is it because they see themselves in the man? Are they fine with being cowardly liars and unmanly puppets that bear no personal responsibility for their unsuccessful lives? I respect real men. I will never respect those who wallow in lies like pigs in mud. You are an embarrassment to our great nation and the men and women of extraordinary courage who made it the beacon of democracy around the world. We reject your bigotry, hatred and violence. ♦

Mark as Favorite

Broken Mic @ Neato Burrito

Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m.
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