Beep beep Dear white SUV — people honk for a lot of reasons. Sometimes they honk to say hello, sometimes they honk because they're angry, and sometimes they honk to alert you to the fact you are veering into their lane of traffic (several times) and they prefer not to get into a car accident by the Falls on their Wednesday morning commute. I honked at you for Reason Number 3. It's neat that you honked back but I'd rather you just focus on the road.
red dreads I saw you in my living room when I came home from work. You were tending to the kids (an exhausting job, I know) but still as always looked amazing. You are an incredible person and a wonderful wife and mother. I am so blessed to have you and everything that you are. I can't imagine life without you and all your weirdness. So ummm maybe we could do coffee some time?
Glowstick Girl: I Believe. "I'm sorry we've both trusted our own insecurities more than we've trusted each other. I'm sorry we've struggled with so many emotions and so much baggage from our pasts. I'm sorry you feel anger and hurt. So take time to heal. And as you heal, I hope you'll realize the pain and disappointment are fueled by the fears inside you. No one on this earth is more committed to you and your future than I am; someday, I believe you'll realize that's special, and rare, and worthwhile. Because I choose to believe. Until then, I'll keep sending you thoughts here. – El Scorcho
To the OUTSpoken boyz Cheers for all you do for the LGBT community. You ARE making a difference; doing A LOT and are definitely on the right track. The world needs people like you to stand strong in the face of adversity; speak up for those who can't; be there for those who have no one. Keep going! You guys are a shining light to the LGBT community. — "That Lovely Lady"
Thanks for the help Thank you Tony! After losing a tire by the Rosauers on Sunset Blvd you were kind enough to find a jack then put my spare on while getting all wet and muddy in the freezing cold. I truly appreciate your kind-hearted help.
To the Keyser family You came into Applebees on the 5th and were sat across from me in my section. A table of ten had just tipped me 26 cents total after I had been waiting on them for the last few hours. Normally I can brush bad tips off, but this time it was different. This time I had been picking up shift after shift to pay for my fiance's broken-down car and my pup's surgery so she can walk. I was trying to not only make up bills but also make some money for Christmas. You didn't know any of that, but when you saw that they hadn't tipped, you immediately handed me money without expecting anything. You didn't know it, but what you tipped me in total that morning was over half of what I made from an entire day working. I don't know if you will ever see this, but know how much that encounter meant to me and how thankful I am. That kindness came at a time I needed it most, and I will be sure to pass it on the next chance I get.
Hello Batman You have another birthday coming up Batman. If you would take off your cape I would make it a birthday you would never forget. Seduction in words. How many more apart? Long distance love is difficult. Please come home soon so you can live in peaceful and blissful happiness. Loving you every minute and hoping for a forever reunion. Love you, Batgirl.
Life in the sane lane Hello sweetie; What a relief to be out from under your "older brother's" Scrooge-like antics, huh? The road ahead is looking smoothly paved and you're ready to roll on down that highway. Who knows what fun and good times are over that horizon? After the fallout becomes less toxic, I think you'll look back on that dark day in October as one of the best of your life. Sorry I made you watch Mad Max: Fury Road, but maybe there were some pointers in there as to how to negotiate the road ahead? Naw, probably not. I love you babe. Party on!
Thanks, Good Samaritan Many thanks to the wonderful person who turned in my purse from the Walmart parking lot at Shadle on Dec. 5. May Karma return to you! [email protected]
Restoring my faith in humanity I know this is way late but I just found your names. On Oct 5 I was T-boned @ Sullivan and Euclid @ about 5:45 a.m. I want to thank you profusely Sherri K. and Nick M. for coming forward as witnesses and Mark A. for admitting the mistake. You all are awesome! And a shout of thanx to the un-named guy who gave me a ride to the gate too
Santa, Erika & SCC elves Hoping you will see this: a big heartfelt thank you from a single dad in need. I struggle to find words adequate to convey our gratitude! You guys materialized in our lives...I expected nothing. You stunned us, filling our house with love and kindness. My kids needed "comfort and joy". You nailed that! From where I sit, I see little faces glowing, knowing they are special. Bless you a thousand times over! Merry Christmas to all! PS, we are already thinking how to pay this forward. PPS, we've discussed how good it is to know such caring people are going on to serve & protect; you're in the right line of work, you guys. "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18
TO THE GIRL WHO MAKES $60000 A YR... Steakhouse on Dec. 9 and in place of a tip I was left two notes. One said simply "shitty" and the other..."I make $60000 a yr, don't judge a book by its cover. Enjoy the tip :-)" I was extremely shocked to have been both stiffed on a tip and also to discover you felt unhappy with the service and that you felt I judged you in some way. Soon as i found the notes...I went outside to see If I could catch any of you to apologize for giving you what you felt was poor service. I was able to catch a few people in your group and gave what I felt was a genuine apology. I'm esp disappointed to have not been able to apologize to you. I know this may sound crazy...but I actually had to hold back tears over it all. I think more than being stiffed was that I had been so misunderstood. Unlike you, I don't make much money. In fact...I have 3 jobs and still make just about half of what you do. I'm a single mom (divorced) and even though I work alot...things are slow and times are tough. I was actually glad to have the opportunity to serve your party, as I really enjoy large parties and the potential to earn a good tip is wonderful. At the time I not only had your party but also 4 other tables. I was also the closing server, which means I was responsible for making sure to check all the other servers side work and sections. In other words...I had a alot of things going on at one time.
Frozen Heart To the Spokane-based theatre that prevented the Public Library from showing Frozen. It's disappointing to know that your priorities are more closely aligned to profit as opposed to community.
low life thief This is a jeers to the low life worthless piece of crap who busted my car window and stole my knife kit that also had recipes in it. I highly doubt your even competent enough to figure out what to do with anything of mine you stole. It probably doesn't even matter considering your most likely going to sell it for drugs, because your better off a dead piece of crap than an alive one. I actually work hard for a living while you take from the rest of us. I will find you. ♦