THE WORLD IS A BETTER PLACE WITH YOU: To. Mr. Jason c/o City Code, Ms. Dani c/o The Woman's Hearth, and Ms. Delaney c/o Northwest Justice Project...Thank youRE: DOGS OFF LEASH: This is actually a cheers to the person who posted the "Dogs Off Leash" comment a few weeks ago. I really appreciated reading it! Yes, there is a county leash law, and yes, there are plenty of dog owners who think that they and their dogs are special and don't need to follow the law. I'm so sick of off-leash dogs heading for me while their owners say things like "Oh, don't worry — he's friendly!" I've been attacked by off-leash dogs, bitten once, so I don't care about your totally lame reasons for having your dog off leash. I don't want your dog approaching me, sniffing at me, jumping on me, or trying to interact with me in any way, "friendly" or not. You aren't special, your dog isn't special — follow the law and keep your dog leashed!
SKATE RIBBON HERO: At Numerica Skating Ribbon, a heartwarming act of heroism unfolded as the sun set and skates glided. A willing helper, donning a stylish HYPLAND shirt, became a real-life superhero when disaster struck. With smooth moves and exceptional kindness, this roller-skating dynamo swiftly transformed into a guardian on wheels. Undaunted by panic after a bag theft, they embraced the role of relentless detective. Zipping around the rink and beyond, they tirelessly scoured for the thief and even explored nearby gas stations. Their unyielding dedication provided hope and comfort to the victim amid distress. In a world where kindness can be rare, this roller-skating savior illuminated the spirit of selflessness and courage. Here's to the roller-skating hero in the black HYPLAND shirt — your actions resonate. Your hand of help, commitment to what's right, and unwavering support for the community are truly remarkable. Last night, you embodied a guardian angel on wheels, igniting hope in our community. May your kindness ignite collective goodwill. Your actions remind us that in a world on wheels, lending a helping hand truly enriches the journey.
FOR THE NEWCOMERS TO SPOKANE: Welcome! Drive slow. Or better yet, not at all. Take the bus or ride a bike.
SPOT ON: I want to thank Nate Sanford and the Inlander for the article about 2nd and Division. It was SPOT ON. I have tried to get the police more involved there at night, but think they might be too scared to go there as well.
SECOND AND DIVISION: What a fantastic issue of the Inlander this current one is! Thanks for keeping the beat going!
EDITOR'S NOTE: You have hope...Great. The article describing mayhem downtown could have gone further. It could have mentioned the fact that Washington was the first in the nation to legalize dope in 2012, and now leads in Fentanyl O/Ds. A correlation? Naaawww. No gateway drug to see here!! Move on! Cannabis is great... The state reaps big dollars on the taxation thereof... and publications like yours sell full page ads promoting it. Not to mention it has now created a cottage industry of "providers" to treat the afflicted. WHAT COULD GO WRONG????
THANK YOU FOR BEING NICE: I was paddleboarding at the Plante's Ferry area, and I got out after a long paddle, fully expecting to do everything by myself. I'm a single woman who's 43, and I'm never looking for attention or help (just excersize and pleasure). I only ever hope to have a casual interaction with strangers (male or female) talking about whatever water body I am in. Today, a man (with his family) offered to help carry my board up a big hill. I didn't know what to do. Tears came to my eyes just over this simple act of kindness. So many "men" nowadays have the mtfu stickers, and then they slam doors in my face. I feel the very opposite of chivalry with those "people." I am just a woman going about my business, fully expecting to be treated like absolute shit from any "Christian, family man" because those "men" are just horrible people. I have no idea why this person helped me, but he was a family man with kids and a wife, and he must have felt I was a valid lady, too. Also, shout-out to his wife who saw the situation as it was. I shouldn't be floored by the kindness, but I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am a woman, too, and it was amazing to have someone help just because of that and manners. I'm shook.
JUST STOP IT! The blind devotees of Trump, now you have yet another indictment to ignore or attack with yet more lies. Just stop! The grand juries that have indicted this thuggish mob boss are not part of some great conspiracy. The conspiracy was and is between Trump and his Trumpists continuing to lie about the 2020 election and its aftermath.
$HITTY CAMPERS: Jeers to the everyone who poops in the woods without regard to either the next camper or the wildlife. Dig a hole, find a rock to smother it, but at the very least, take your gd toilet paper back to your fire or garbage. We're sharing this lovely space with each other, responsibly and with our maker. Don't do it dirty. Dan Savage calls it "the campsite rule" wherein you leave everything better than you found it. So leave your campsite pristine, and your partner better than you found them. P.S. I'm tired of busting out gloves to clean up your poop so that I can make camp. $hit in your own woods.
THANKS A LOT, COVID! Have time for a lesson? The way many are using terminology around "COVID-19" is wrong! First, it's getting really tiring hearing people who don't know what they're talking about say "due to COVID this or that happened." First of all, COVID is an acronym for a viral disease. Viruses don't have the ability to make decisions. They don't have existential capability. When the virus began to circulate, humans made decisions to try and limit spread of the disease. This is a natural response every time any virus circulates (including seasonal influenza). People change their behavior. Second, people use the phrase "during COVID." This doesn't make any sense at all. Again, this is an acronym for a disease. The disease still exists. So, when you use that tired phrase, you're saying that the virus is gone. It's terrible when people who don't know what they're talking about go ahead and let their mouth spew forth anyhow. Third, people talk about "the pandemic" as if one has never happened before. Read up on your modern history. For example, TB kills milions of people around the world every year. Try reading about it at the TB Alliance. While you're at it, look up HIV/AIDS and malaria. Even though many are too dense to use the term "pandemic" with them, they still fit the bill and have for many years. Really dumb.
TALK TO MORE POCS: Jeers to the Inlander for rarely (if ever) interviewing POCs for the question of the week. These past few years, it has become apparent that the Inlander needs to consider diversity in its writing and its engagement with readers. Maybe the question of the week is a good place to start.
QUOTATION MARKS AS A WEAPON: Jeers to the Inlander for using quotation marks for the two words "parental rights" in the sub headline of your story on the Central Valley School District. Doing that is a way to indicate some doubt as to whether such rights actually exist. I am sure you would not do this if the words were "LGBTQ+ rights," "Native American rights" or "A woman's right to choose" And you certainly should not! Between this story and Al French's fluff piece on the STA, it's evident that the Inlander is no longer an independant news voice and has become just a tool of the administrative state.
aWOKEn: Dear Spokane County and Eastern Washington voters, will this extremely large and local climate tragedy be enough to have awoken you to the "agenda" the scary blue man has been trying to do something about for a not so inconsequential amount of time?
NEW LEADERSHIP NEEDED: Some people suspect Spokane is cursed. You can lift that curse at the ballot box. Let's replace the mayor with someone who's not owned by monied interests. Someone who isn't in bed with domestic terrorists like Matt Shea and other bad faith evangelicals. Someone who loves Spokane and its people and wants to improve the quality of life here. It's time for livable wage jobs, light rail, homeless solutions, improved police presence and response time, etc. We can't continue as old Spokane, and Lisa Brown knows this. That's why she has my vote. ♦