LIFE COULD BE DYNAMITE: I Saw in My Dreams a KPOP Dance Night in Spokane. Thanks to whoever put on the tswizzle dance night at the Knitting Factory. Please someone with pull/authority let's make this happen <3

SMOKEY SCOTCH: Should of grabbed your number!

DAMN! I WISH I WAS YOUR LOVER... Hi! I hope I am who you think I am, but I have my doubts. I would love to reach out to you, but I don't know if I could forgive myself for doing so if I ended up being wrong. You know how to find me, I'd love to hear from you. Despite what you might think, a text from you is always welcome. I will reach out to you if you tell me your first and last initial, or include something that would let me know it's you if you'd rather.

RE: TERESA, THIS ONE'S ABOUT YOU: I'm the person who you are seeking. Right here waiting for you. I'll see you in my dreams. TDB


RE: TERESA, THIS ONE'S ABOUT YOU 2: I'm responding to your ad. My initials are TJ. Ciao.


500 YEARS: The 500-year prophecy of the eagle and the condor from the time of Columbus is at hand. It seems like we are being overrun at our southern border by people trying to escape from Central America. The seven countries in Central America are obscured by the jungle. This tropical rainforest hides multiple flat-top pyramids that include different layers. Think of the movies "Indiana Jones" and "Avatar." By clearing the jungle and reopening the pyramids, we could build our own chips and would not have to depend on Taiwan, since they produce almost 90% of the world's semiconductors.

GOOD SAMARITAN: Thank you for helping me when I ran out of gas on Sprague and Pines on the day before Thanksgiving. I still had to drive home to St. Maries, and you saved the day. Two sisters battling that crazy gas can nozzle on the side of the road and YOU? NO SURRENDER!! Thanks again, see you up the 'Joe sometime.

RE: PLASTIC SPOON VS. SILVER SPOON: I am laughing while reading your post. You are funny & astute.

LOVE: Love is a sacrifice

CHEERS TO THE ZAGS: Cheers to the Zags men's basketball team. It's just great that they can beat teams with four wins and six losses by such a large margin. Over 100 points scored! Great job! What are the next games? Maybe against Gonzaga Prep High School? I bet they'd score over 100 against them too. What happened against Purdue? Must have just been an off night. Go Zags!

CLEAN CLOTHES: Shout-out SuperWash Laundromat in Browne's Addition for always being awesome, every time.

ARE YOU TRYING TO CATCH A CAT?' I was pouring tuna from a pouch into a small glass bowl on the trunk of my car outside a grocery store when you asked me that. I usually eat my lunch inside, but there was someone I wanted to avoid, so I decided to have lunch in my car. I was still bitter about that, and stressed from a long and busy first half of my shift, when you approached me. I snapped back, "No, I'm eating," and climbed into my car. It took a few minutes for me to realize that it probably looked like I was eating cat food, and you wanted to express concern in the most delicate way possible. Having people be genuinely concerned over my welfare is a relatively new experience for me. My knee-jerk response is defensiveness, and it usually takes a few minutes to realize that I got it all wrong. You seem like a very kind person, and you did the right thing, and I snapped at you. I'm sorry if I made you feel like you were being punished for your good deeds. That is a horrible way for anyone to feel, especially someone who would approach a stranger who looked like they were in dire straits with gentle care. Whatever holiday you celebrate, I hope it's fun and light and full of joy, because you deserve it.

SPOKANE GOOD SAMARITANS: On Friday, Dec. 8, an elderly woman slipped in the parking lot in front of the Dollar Store on 29th Avenue. She fell to the pavement resulting in a big goose egg above her eye and broken glasses. She was prone in the parking lot, holding her head and very distraught. Cheers to the many people who came to her aid, ensured that the first responders had been called, and worked to comfort her and keep her warm on a cold day. At least a dozen people came up to offer assistance. Cheers also to the first responders who arrived quickly and rendered excellent assistance. My faith in the goodness of people was renewed.

BEST NEIGHBORS: Sending a special shout-out to my neighborhood in the Perry District for working together to remove snow from driveways and walkways. Everyone was helping each other and even made time from some street sledding!

CONGRATULATIONS: To my friend who deserves all the love in the world. Love isn't just a sacrifice, it's a gift to one another to always cherish each other. And when two become one in front of each other's loved ones is the most important thing you can do. You finally found your soul mate. Congratulations!!!!!!!

THE OBSTACLE IS THE WAY: Cheers to Mr. L at Mullan, whose philosophy on learning teaches us that a challenge is also an opportunity... like 'Brain Fryday.' I'm so grateful you're my teacher.


CUSTOMERS: Man. I barely know where to start. Just... be kind? Be patient? Be compassionate? Be logical? I work at a superstore. The pay is horrid. The atmosphere would be decent — if it weren't for the monstrosities of humans we dealt with each day. Today a woman chewed me out for stocking the mac and cheese. Yes, you read that correctly. "THAT SHOULD BE RECALLED!" Oh, which brand? I asked so I could resolve the issue if it were our own. "ALL OF THEM! THEY ARE HORRIBLE FOR YOU!" Was her reply. This lady was just livid at the existence of mac and cheese. And apparently I was to be held responsible. Two weeks ago a coughing woman, smelling so strongly of urine it could knock you out, spat in my face. I almost lost my job when I had to call out sick due to the corresponding cold I caught. A child literally came up to me and kicked me about five times, and their parents said nothing to me, but told their little angel "now now, no kicking" softly. Y'all. Get it together. I'm begging you. I know this place is tough, but you do need to figure it out to some extent or stay indoors. Some of us are managing to get by without two cents to rub together and being kind while we do so.

WORTHLESS DOG OWNER: To the lady who stood there and watched her dog piss on the floor in the plaza. Someone needs to rub your nose in it to teach your responsibility and respect.

TWICE IN TWO DAYS! I live in the Kendall Yards area, and because we live in an apartment it necessitates a dog walk every day that's possible. Good for the dog and me! However, in the last two days we have been attacked by dogs on each walk! My dog is 12 lbs and a sweet little girl. People seem to take owning a dog as someone else's responsibility as to self-protection of the other person walking their dog AND the other person's dog. And I'm tired of it! The first encounter was the delinquency park across from the library where there are usually 10-20 school-age people hanging out looking to do what? The next was on the path (you know the bicycle racing path through Kendall Yard) while we are out just minding our own business. If your dog attacks other dogs, what are you doing out without having them under control because a leash is CLEARLY NOT enough! There are a lot of people out walking their dogs that are just fine. But the few that are NOT just fine seem to realize they will Not be held responsible because who you going to call? The police? lol!

FORMER WASHED UP COLLEGIATE RUNNER: I didn't realize being a former collegiate runner made you the authority of who can and cannot use the road. Apparently you also feel the right to comment on the pace of runners too. I have an idea! Why don't you slow down your dry, climate-controlled car for a moment to let a runner pass by safely and then go home and shovel your sidewalk (and maybe your neighbors') so it is safe enough to run on! Seasons greetings!

RIVERFRONT PARK VEHICLES: I don't know why y'all think since the park is full of pedestrian paths that means you don't still have to drive on the correct side of the path, but it most definitely does NOT mean that. Keep it on the right side like you have some sense. ♦

Mark as Favorite

Knit a Log-Cabin Blanket @ Shadle Library

Sat., Jan. 18, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
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