GONZAGA PITA PIT: To the beautiful redheaded worker at the Pita Pit, your quick wit and smile seem to keep making my day — would love to get to know you from the other side of the counter. Maybe someday I can be the one to buy your morning coffee?I LOVE YOU, CARRIE: This is a little note to tell the whole world that I love you, Carrie. I'm so happy to be yours now and always.
MY MY I SPY... My my I spy... a pompous ex-president... still screaming at the top of his lungs that his tower of power toys must not be taken away by any consensus of adults in the room.
A GHOST OF A GIRL: In a past I saw you, it was for all the places I had during my 10 years of roses. We almost made it to 12. And yes, while over that time I saw you everywhere; from mountaintops to desert floors and everywhere in between... This last year, our last year, I saw you turn into the ghost of the girl of my dreams. I'm sorry princess, I hope you find your way home.
A DEEP BREATH: When was the last time you paused for a second and gave yourself the credit you deserve for how far you've come, how much you've grown, the person you've become, the transformation you've experienced, and the tough lessons you've learnt? Honestly, you should be so proud of you.
SECTION 101 BEAUTY: Saw you at Wednesday's GU men's game (vs. Portland on Feb. 7). Your interesting/fashionable coat first caught my eye and then your beauty! Caught your eye/exchanged glances a few times when I turned and looked up at you over my left shoulder. I have brown hair and had a blue, long-sleeve shirt on. Would really like to watch a future GU game together!
KUDOS TO MAYOR BROWN'S TRANSITION TEAM: Kudos to Mayor Brown's enormous transition team for developing a very ambitious list of priority recommendations for the first 100 days. However, it seems the Spokane River, the crown jewel of the city, has been overlooked. The river is relied upon for safe and healthy recreation, and for some, for sustenance via fishing — yes, many still eat the fish from the river. Items 1 (Enhancing Public Safety and Building Trust) and 5 (Improving Health and Housing Options) focus predominantly on housing and measures to enable the homeless safe camping. The city owns the lands within Riverfront Park. It is about time the administration does something about contamination of the river, and allow humans to safely consume the fish from the river once again.
WHO SUCKS? Please, please Spokane, keep sucking! Don't fix the streets, plow the snow, or keep places open all night. Raise kind families, enjoy each other's company, enjoy nature, nurture and appreciate life, contribute to the community, create your own good times. If you're unhappy, please don't stick around; there's already too many people driving too fast on their way to nowhere. Your entertainment and libation plans are your own responsibilities.
ACROSS THE STATE TEAMMATE: You all work together seamlessly and go above and beyond to create partnership and teamwork with your Western counterparts. Thank you for bringing joy and helpfulness to a fresh face. Stay fabulous, Dream Team, and say hello to Betty White for me. –Chickie
JOLTIN' JOE: Joe at his dumbest is still smarter than any Republican at their smartest. Joe at his worst is still more moral than the most moral Republican.
PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Regardless of who wins the presidential election, two things are guaranteed to happen.....a celebration and a riot.
MOTORISTS WHO STOP: A heartfelt thank you to the motorists who stop when someone is waiting to cross the street. You're few and far between, so thank you for your patience and actually following the law!
PEDESTRIAN HIT: I was walking toward downtown from Browne's Addition when you ran the stop sign between Cedar and Riverside, while digging through your purse. I could see the terror on your face before you hit me, it was surreal for both of us. I lucked out that this wasn't fatal, but why didn't you stop to check on me? I watched as your midsize SUV fled the scene going west on Riverside. What was going through your head? There are cameras nearly everywhere, and you still drove off. I hope this haunts you because you left me brokenhearted. I even gave you the benefit and waited as if you'd return. I have reported this to the police.
FIFTH AND LINCOLN: Fifth and Lincoln is a hospital zone. The speed limit is 25 mph, not 30. The speed limit is the same on Fifth and Monroe. That intersection has two Ronald McDonald Houses on one side, and two hospitals on the other (Shriners and Deaconess). Cars are going well above 35 on both streets. There have been multiple wrecks, and it is just a matter of time before there is a pedestrian fatality. Please slow down.
SERIOUSLY PEOPLE: To the truck driver on Feb. 9 under the bridge light in Browne's Addition that felt they were entitled to damn near running not one but two civilians down because they couldn't be bothered to wait their turn. I hope you get the same close call you gave us someday. May someone key your precious truck, and may you always have a flat when you are in a hurry. You could have killed two people today. But so long as you get where you need to go, right? Who the hell cares about anyone else. You are the main character, the only one that matters in the universe. You self-cenetred taint weasel. This goes to all the people out there that see crosswalks as target practice, or the idiots who block up pedestrian lanes so they can turn on a red as if you have more rights to the street than anyone else. I don't have headphones on when I cross. I look both ways. I am also very disabled, I cannot "hurry across" the street like everyone else, and this has caused a lot of you self-entitled pricks to think you have the right to nearly run me over. Wherever you are going, is it worth the manslaughter charge that will follow you for the rest of your life? The answer in case you need to be told is no. And if you think it's yes, congrats on passing that psychopath test! We all know now you have no empathy for others and are willing to act on your fantasies.
RE: WHAT'S A CHURCH FOR ANYWAY? I'm glad that you responded with an argument about how a church is a positive contributor to a community instead of defensively putting things over people's welfare and resorting to fallacies. One of the reasons I wrote is because of how frustrating it is that so many in our community demand that only charity can fill a humanitarian role. Thank you for clarifying that often churches provide great community services. Many people think that churches are equipped to handle these systemic problems, but systemic problems require systemic solutions beyond the resources of community organizations. I see other nations who follow a philosophy that any private charity is a failure of government and their people have healthier, happier, lives with less suffering. I would ask that people who recognize the limits of our community groups to demand effective government level investments to improve the lives of everyone in our society. What's a government for, anyway?
A PLEA FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL CITY: This is the first and only time I will post in the Jeers section. Whether you are new to Spokane or you have lived here all your life like I have, this city needs some serious respect. We need more respect to each other on our city streets. I am asking you to stop cutting everybody off, be an adult, and wait your turn. If you choose to live here, please, have respect for those who have been here all along, and treat the city you live in and the residents here respectfully, or maybe you should go elsewhere. It's no joke, you've been seeing it a lot now, because it's true. We really need to be better to each other in the city, right now. I heard in the past that it was a well-kept secret. Obviously it's not that anymore. So please, be a kind human like we all should be.
EVERYONE KNOWS: Everyone knows one hit of fentanyl can possibly kill you unless you live under a rock — it's been in all the papers on all the news broadcasts on billboards posters fliers. Everyone knows one hit of fentanyl can possibly end your life, YET people will still use the drug. So I say save narcan for children, doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. who accidentally overdose.
ROSALIA'S TRAIL HATERS: While the state and many locals are busy working to build the state-spanning Palouse to Cascades Trail, a few obvious landowners in Rosalia don't think it's a good idea. Putting private property signs in front of the new parking lot for the trail won't stop progress. And in a few years you'll probably be glad for all the friendly trail users who discover your quaint Palouse town. ♦