RIVERFRONT BRIDGES & PAVILION: We passed a few times on 4/22 around 4. Me, blue T-shirt/black jacket. You, shorts and a grey T-shirt. I wanted to say "hi" the last time we passed, but all I could do was smile (face-palm)... Give me another chance this Friday around the same time @ pavilion?
THE ART & YARD SALE: I saw you last weekend at the E. 13th Ave. yard & art sale. You said you'd be there again this weekend! I'm hoping to get more of those cute cats you make! I'm showing up, bright and early, whether you're there or not!
GRACIOUS, GENEROUS, KIND: Stephanie P., special collections librarian, Gonzaga University, Foley Library, is a gracious, generous, & kind representative of GU. When asked for some obscure, very old info, she went above & beyond in helping our research. Thank you, Stephanie, your personable & professional assistance meant a lot and is most appreciated.SKILLED, CARING THERAPIST-HEALER: Patricia W., occupational therapist (hand specialist), at our Spokane VA Medical Center, is a skilled therapist, technician & artist in caring for her patients. She makes customized splints & other treatment devices to help heal us. She has a fun sense of humor and is always personable and professional in caring for us. Thank you, Patricia, for all the good you do.
BIRTHDAY CHEERS: Birthday cheers to a very special Inlander-reading, gin-drinking, joke-making, adventure-seeking Taurus! May your Saturn return bring more cheers than jeers!
HOLY FAMILY ICU HEROES: Last week was the scariest time of my life as I was far too close to actual death and admitted to the ICU at Holy Family hospital, where I stayed for several nights. The nurses and doctor there not only saved my life, but brought me as much comfort as I could have had given the situation. They were nothing short of amazing and I am beyond grateful for their support and care. Thank you... to Marilyn for being so gentle and loving, for holding my hand as I tried to take in all of the overwhelming news and information; to Mariah for your patience each night in handling my restlessness and doing your best to help me be comfortable so I could attempt rest, and for listening to me; to Trever for your quirky jokes and comments, bringing some humor to my day, and for being so thorough and particular in your methods and care, and for celebrating every seemingly minor step of improvement with me as if they were the most major moments; and to Dr. Anderson for your compassion, for your determination in making me better, and for your incredible bedside manner, taking the time to explain things in detail to myself and even repeating it later to my family. You all truly saved me, and I will never forget it. Thank you.
MY TAN CAN MAN: Every Thursday night I put my tan can out by the curb for collection. And every Friday morning around 11 am you come by and take away last week's garbage. I always smile and wave at you, and you always smile and wave back. I am so grateful for the work you do and the kindness that you never fail to share with a lady in Browne's Addition. A small thoughtful human connection like this is priceless. Thank you!
SHADLE LIBRARY PLANT SWAP: Yesterday, I attended my first ever Plant Swap at the Shadle Library. What an uplifting event! Gardeners brought their "extra" plants that they had purposely grown to give away to other gardeners in abundance. People giving away a variety of trees and plants all for the love of growing and to encourage others to grow food and flowers, shade trees and tulips. A truly wonderful event. All for free! Thank you so much! I plan to attend and swap regularly from now on.
ILLEGAL LICENSE PLATES: Jeers to those who still don't know how to drive but continue to do so down city streets. Here is a lesson for those of you who are too dense to figure it out. There is a stoplight at Ermina and Greene Street. That light is the one that allows students to turn left to enter the Spokane Community College property from Greene Street. When the light turns red on Greene Street, that means that you idiots who are driving down the road are supposed to stop. Red means stop. Again, red means stop. Yellow means prepare to stop. You idiots continue to run the red light. Red means you stop and allow those who have a green light to turn left, stupid. Also, just north of that intersection is a pedestrian crossing. There is a sign that indicates when the lights are red, that you stop to allow pedestrians to cross. Here is hoping that the next time you speed through that red light, law enforcement actually does their job and stops you and tickets you before you actually hurt someone. Spokane. Near Nature. Near stupidity. Learn to drive!BARELY HOUSED: Shame on all of you landlords and their representatives at city council. I'm sorry that you all can't afford to give your tenants notice that you're going to increase their rent. I am sorry that this is somehow taking food or shelter from your own families. I am aware your jobs are so hard when you don't have to equip ventilation fans in the kitchens or supply fire extinguishers, or that my apartment is not ADA compliant. I can imagine how scary it is to think that you may have to get a real job one day.
GET A LIFE: At the Building and Planning Office on April 23. You were in there wanting to make a complaint on the dirt bike riding and ATVs in two north Spokane County areas off of Market. Your complaint was all the noise and that it was so loud it inconvenienced you in your home. Problem with your complaint is you can't be inconvenienced by both places. First area has no housing near it, unless you're the homeless person trespassing on the property. Second area you're only complaining about because you found out where they moved their recreation to, plus, you had no clue that it was just a long access road with no name. I guess that you are so bored and disappointed that you want everybody to be as miserable as you. I'd rather see people doing this and enjoying life. You need to get a life, make some friends, get some hobbies, and stay out of other people's business, especially if the activity in question does not directly concern you or harm you.
MAN-CHILD MELTDOWN: To the fully grown man-child who chose to throw two toddlers out of his way at Little Garden Cafe on a recent Wednesday, maybe talk to your doctor about adjusting that supplemental testosterone dose.
RE: WEATHER: Dear meteorologists, How dare you fail to accurately predict the future consistently! Everyone knows how easy it is to read weather charts and know with great precision exactly what the weather will do! You all act like it takes a college degree to do your job! Come on, get your act together!
ARIZONIANS FILLING NON-EXISTANT SHORTAGE OF GOONS IN SPOKANE: Oh, it's patriots this, and patriots that, and "the last refuge of the scoundrel" as Samuel Johnson so aptly and overy politely put it many, many years ago.
395 LITTER DISGRACE: To all those who travel Highway 395 north and leave their litter and trash along side the road. We've lived here more than 30 years and have noticed a definite uptick in garbage, especially south of Deer Park on our occasional trips to Spokane. It's truly disgusting. Do folks not know how to use a trash bag anymore?
ARE THERE REALLY MULTIPLE WAYS TO SIGN IN? To Spokane's contract with ParkMobile. Does this app work in other cities? If your app is broken on an iPhone it's on the app developers, not my use of tech. Every other time I park downtown I need to sign back in. Great, I have a password. Nah that's not secure enough for a $2 parking charge. You need to check your email. And resend it, and you get other emails but not the one that will allow you to pay for parking. Curious enough when I signed in through Gmail, it worked. Now I know how ParkMobile is making money on the side.
CELEBRATING SLAUGHTER? I'm appalled by your six-page cattle ranch advertisement. It's 2024. More of your readers than ever refuse to eat animals, whether because animal agriculture is responsible for 17% of greenhouse emissions or because slitting the throat of a living being after stunning her with a captive bolt gun and hanging her by a chain around one ankle doesn't sit well with us. Responsible media does journalism without callous jokes about how cute an animal was before she was dismembered.
RE: STOP STOPPING: Drivers are actually required by law to stop for pedestrians on the sideways. See RCW 46.61.621 If a pedestrian is within a lane of a driver that driver is also required to stop. I recommend you learn a little more about laws before you submit driving advice to the Inlander. Your bad advice is a huge safety issue. ♦