I SAW YOU AT ROSS: Saw you working at Ross, over by Target. You looked so beautiful on the register cashiering. I believe you are the store manager. So short and cute. You rang me up for a pair of underwear and toothpaste. When you handed me the receipt our hands touched and we both felt sparks fly, you looked me in the eyes and said sorry, but I knew you meant to grab my hand. I haven't stopped thinking of you since. I look forward to buying more underwear from you.

SPA ENCOUNTER: Despite the mishap, we were like two children; even when you spilled a drink everywhere, I wasn't upset in the slightest. In fact, your embarrassment was noticeable, and it made me laugh—not at you, but alongside you. I hope this message brings a smile to your face. My toes would certainly be tickled pink at the prospect of seeing you again.

LIME SCOOTERS: I use the Lime scooters frequently when I don't feel safe taking the bus or if I have money. The Inlander article about them missed some points. In addition to the area protecting the Pride mural, there is a safe zone around a lot of the parking garages in Downtown Spokane, and if you ride too close to the garages, the scooters will stop working. This is unsafe and creates a problem when in the middle lane on one of the one-way streets, particularly between the BOA Financial Center and its garage. There's already a rule saying you can't ride them on sidewalks, so with a safe zone that big surrounding so many buildings, it's hard to ride. I'm getting my own 40-mph scooter with turn signals soon so I don't have to deal with buses frequented by scary people. Hopefully I won't have to deal with Lime much longer.

RE: IN MY DREAMS... Mr B I only see the good part of you and me in my dreams. I live with the bad part of us everyday. I love you and hope to see you soon so we close the door on the past. Until then I love you and I'll see you in my dreams.


SO LONG: ...we've waited, patiently, and FINALLY we can see the light at the end of the locker room tunnels!! This Swim Fam can't wait to see the plan the Parks Dept. is soon to unveil regarding aquatics facilities in this fine city!! Year-round swimming has been restricted to clubs only. Now, with public swim-for-a-fee swimming, we can all enjoy the fun and fitness that is swimming, all...year...long. A lifelong swimmer makes for a good, balanced, positive citizen. The fitness factor itself is a proven benefit to self and community. Given the enjoyment experienced by those who learn and love to swim, it's only a plus to those in their orbits, and, isn't that all of us? YAY Spokane Parks Dept.!! We applaud you!!

SPOKANE RUNNING COMMUNITY: Kudos and thanks to all in our community who organize, volunteer and participate in local organized runs. We are fortunate to have so many events and running clubs around us. Recently at the Spokane River Run I took a bad spill on the trail. Participants around me stopped to make sure I was okay, sacrificing their race times to help me. While walking back (with my very bloody face!) I stopped at a first aid table manned by a very kind young woman and her sons. I regret that I did not get her name. She helped me to clean up as much as possible. Shout out to kindness and to community events that bring us together. Thanks, everyone!

I-90 CLEANUP: Anyone that uses I-90 through Spokane and Spokane Valley has noticed the increased graffiti on the walls and bridges along the corridor. Cheers to the Washington State Department Of Transportation, which recently did a great job of cleaning up the graffiti and trash! What a difference! Let's hope they can maintain the standard in the future. The condition of the freeway is sometimes the first and only impression of Spokane for those that drive through in their travels. For locals, it's a reflection of their home city. Let's keep it clean!


MESSAGE FROM THE JEERED: We are critical of the small defects in our neighbors, but overlook the serious faults in ourselves. We are quick to complain of what we put up with from others, with never a thought of what others put up with from us. If we would see ourselves as we really are, we would not find cause to judge others severely. If we would look seriously to ourselves, we would find it easy to be silent about the deeds of others. If you have been busy with other peoples affairs what have you to show for it if you have neglected yourself?

CROSSWALK NONSENSE: Jeers Spokane. Charging young people with a felony for leaving a skidmark on a crosswalk on a city street! If the damn flag is so important, put it on top of a building or on the side of the business. It won't collect skid marks in either of those places. Demanding a public street remain tire mark free is just dumb! Ruining young peoples lives with a felony for an act of immaturity? How very grown up of you!

NOT ALL ILLNESS IS VISIBLE: Jeers to the many adults who harassed my teenager for using a courtesy handicap pass in order to enjoy a day with friends at Silverwood last week. Just because you can't see someone's illness doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Simply standing can be excruciatingly painful and a true feat of strength. Next time, please assume positive intent. We don't know what battles the people around us are bravely and quietly fighting.

RE: RE: "PRIDE" CROSSWALK: You should have been at Pride, lots of white guys everywhere and even straight ones who faced zero adversity from the queer community. Almost everything in this city and the rest of the country is a monument to hetero, Christian, white culture. We have statues and streets and buildings in honor of pioneers, patriots, presidents, etc. everywhere you go. The special designated parts of town that honor patriots and Christians for example would be government buildings and churches, which take up entire blocks and I've never heard of one being set on fire in my 10+ years of living here. Queer folks have one crosswalk and a couple of small nonprofits, no bigger and no more of an eyesore than Our Lady of Lourdes or City Hall. And no, nobody on either side of your imaginary Left vs. Right conflict would respect a Confederate flag crosswalk as you live in the country that kicked the confederacy's ass. If you're looking for the "side" who objects to the confederacy it's not "the left" it's "the above" as in folks who are above honoring racists. Have a nice day

RE: RE: "PRIDE" CROSSWALK II: It sucks to feel excluded Mr. Straight White Male, doesn't it? Quit your fragile ego right wing WASP nationalist bullsh*+! You're just upset because it isn't about you. You have more than 7 recognized holidays that are about patriotism, Christianity, and white guys and here you are whining about a painted crosswalk? How pathetic you must be when you are offended by a rainbow. Is it recognizing the equality of other people that bothers you?

THIEF RECOMMENDED BY LABOR FOR HIRE LIST: In March I needed some labor assistance fixing our bathroom. The laborer I hired was recommended on "The List"... He used the back of his truck for needed tools, and I had my garage open for other supplies we needed. After the project I noticed my 5-gallon container of gasoline (full) was missing. Now I need my auto analyzer OBDII unit. It's gone. Living in the country he was the only stranger that came to the house. Return these items to our access road and no questions asked. Otherwise I will leave this warning on '"The List."

NATURAL GASLIGHTING: To the two men collecting signatures in front of the north side grocery store, to oppose HB 1589: You misrepresented the content of the bill and when I pointed that out, doubled down on the lie. You then waved a list of signatures in my face, as though the measure of whether someone should sign a petition is how popular it is. The bill is meant to encourage LARGE utility companies to move away from NEW natural gas lines, not a ban on natural gas. You may object to the bill, but if you had a valid point, you wouldn't have to lie about the bill.

FARMERS MARKET ATTENDEES, WITH DOGS:  Just. Don't. At least small children can wail and scream about their discomfort for being held captive while their oblivious handlers stroll around in the heat and sunshine. Dogs aren't so fortunate and THEY RELY ON THEIR HUMANS TO KEEP THEM SAFE. Which includes protecting them from burned paw pads. While you meander around working on your tan and leisurely perusing food items, your poor animal can do nothing but look around frantically and get pulled along without respite. And you never had an effing clue.

RE: DEADBEAT CITY: So you wrote your jeers just to offend as many people as possible? How stupid. Why be a part of the problem? Why not start to be part of the solution. No wonder Spokane has such a bad reputation. Deadbeat city is right! Duh! Duh! Just plain dumb! Real dumb. ♦

Mark as Favorite

Gem State Flyers: Love at First Flight @ The Kenworthy

Sat., Feb. 15, 6:30-9 p.m.
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