RIVER SERENADER: To the gentleman serenading river floaters and kayakers on the shore of the little spokane on Saturday July 13th. You sir are extremely talented, you should be famous, somebody find this guy and make him famous!! Your beautiful voice and lovely guitar playing was a wonderful surprise on our kayaking trip. I just wish we could have stopped and listened to you more! Hope to see you there again soon!


PRETTY PAINTER: We met briefly on a construction site. You seemed interested in holding a conversation whenever we bumped into eachother, for better or worse I was more focused on cleaning bricks than flirting. Wish I would have had enough sense to ask for your #. I hope you see this.


SACRED: It's special to be a Mother or Sister or Daughter. It is not a fad or something to take up on occasion. It is a special part of life that shouldn't be taken for granted. We should all be thankful for them.

FMUOASL: Couldn't help but notice the double Alison Wonderland mention in the past couple of issues. Shout-out SW for your impeccable music taste! See ya on the farm at Shambhala :)

HOLY HIGH HAT! Junkyard Eats and Drinks, on Trent, Spokane Valley. YOU were the venue for THE best no-cover show we've ever seen!! You served us all, so efficiently, on that amazing, rainy Sunday evening, June 30. Rain or Shine, indeed!! Your servers, cooks, and all staff, were so prompt, friendly, kind, fun-not-phony, and aware of the stellar vibe unfolding in that mesmerizing mix of musical, "madness!" We could "feel it in the air" on every level. Fabulous dive joint!! The BEST Roadhouse we've discovered. Is this the area's best-kept secret?? Voo-Doo Church, we will miss you.

KUDOS FOR SAVING MY CELLPHONE: On a recent Saturday I was enjoying a mocha while sitting on a bench outside the United Building in Hillyard. I set my phone down on the bench and then took off not realizing I had left it until 30 minutes later. When I went back there, someone had turned it in. I'm so grateful to that person. I sure didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a new phone! Thanks for being so thoughtful.

RE: ARTWORK: I have to agree with the recent comment about college art. It is pretty good. Spokane has some of the best artists in the whole wide world.


SPOKANE CONSTRUCTION: Jeers to Spokane for their disorganized and dangerous construction planning. You have the road close underneath the Green Street Bridge. So, you divert traffic to other streets. Then, you close down Market Street so it's down to one lane. You don't clearly mark the closures so you have people merging traffic in front of SCC blocking lanes. Then you have no clear area marked for turning to get onto Upriver Drive going east. This is just a major traffic accident waiting to happen. When it does, emergency won't be able to get there because the one lane will be reduced to zero lanes. While it's true all cities have road construction projects that impede flow of traffic, I've never seen them so dangerous. Why don't you open up some roads until you have other roads finished? I can hear the emergency sirens coming tragically soon. Perhaps it's the frustration of construction that has people going twice the speed limit down Upriver Drive after they get onto it. Speaking of which, is there any law enforcement in this city that pulls over speeders?

STUPID DO GOODERS: I came across a cardboard sign from a panhandler. "Anything helps." The guy left it next to his pile of trash. Empty beer cans and cigarette packages. Idiots who give these people money are only "helping" them to maintain their many addictions. If you really want to help them give that money to a shelter.

RE: LIBRARY PROTESTORS: I agree with keeping sexualized content out of kids' hands. I'm glad the Bible can be far, far away from them.

THE BIG LIE: "Lies take time to develop. They usually start at the kitchen table; "did you hear about...." rumors, gossip and the talk on the street. A few years ago, for the first time in our history, we had a black president, and some believed that he was illegitimate and needed a birth certificate. It became known as the "birther movement." The "birthers" were encouraged by the fringe theorists and the fringe science (pseudoscience). It doesn't take much to blur the lines between (blur, shadow, obscure, smudge, distort). Conspiracy theories abound, what do you believe? is the moon hollow; did the CIA kill JFK ; are the Illuminati real; are we living in a matrix; do stargates exist; is 5G radiation deadly; does covid-19 have a microchip; in bigfoot, abominate snowman, loch ness monster; in planet X returns (Nibiru)."

DEAR SALTESE CEMETERY KARENS: I agree: performing a ritual that leaves big puddles of wax on the gazebo floor is disrespectful. Which is why I didn't do it. I went to your precious cemetery so often because I found it peaceful. I liked to sit in the gazebo and meditate. I stopped going when you started parking outside the gates to watch me because that shit is CREEPY. Assuming anyone who wears punk clothing is going to summon Satan in the gazebo in broad daylight is both stupid and wrong. (Seriously, if you think they performed that ritual in the middle of the day, please put yourselves in the corner.) I hope you caught whoever did it. And I hope that when you realized it wasn't me, you felt like the assholes you are.

SCHOOL REPAIR BUDGETS: Look into the West Valley school district repair budget, why on earth would they spend more than half the summer repair budget on an administration building where it doesn't affect the education of the kids — it's just to make more offices. While the elementary schools and the middle school is in horrible disrepair, why do they need more assistance at admin when you could hire more teachers?

LEASH YOUR **** DOG! It's the law.

CAR BREAK-INS AT LOCAL FITNESS CENTER: The parking lot was full. A car was leaving up front, I got lucky! Just a quick morning workout to start my day. That 30 minute workout turned into a nightmare when I became the victim of a smash and grab. An employee told me it happened twice last week. You have survelliance so we got the thief on camera? Nope just signs no cameras. Why no notice to your members about the rash of break-ins? Manager: "That is a level above me." The cost to member and community: $400, hours of phone calls with Crime Check, banks, credit card company, insurance, drivers licensing, glass companies and replacement, a $977.00 charge on my CC and an attempt to cash a check for $2500 (Hats off to employees at Chase Bank), the feeling of being violated by a thief, days of uncertainty about your identity, and the apathy of the health club you have paid dues to for 17 years, priceless.

EXCOMMUNICATION TIME: I'm dismayed by the extreme Catholics in and around the Supreme Court. They want to turn the clocks back 150 years on our civil rights, reverse all the progress we've made and re-install a dictator. These are not ordinary Catholics (like myself). They don't embrace kindness, charity, humility and grace. They're akin to the evangelicals (who, btw, can't stand Catholics). Please, Pope Francis, excommunicate these radicals. They're bringing us down! ♦

Mark as Favorite

Woman, Artist, Catalyst: Art from the Permanent Collection @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through March 9
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