STILL DESPERATE: Gambling Troubadour. You've violently shamed, for decades, distressed damsels as you blinded them into your snare while they gathered in the meadows of kingdoms created by brave, strong knights, away defending and protecting their villages. Your weakness will never overcome the strength of those building true, lasting fortresses. You never challenged one face to face. Coward you are. You continue inhabiting an always unstable abode you believe is not leaking and crumbling. It is. You claim you built it. No matter the "stolen" resources you've been "given" by the jezebels bedding you, entranced by your lies and sad lamenting, your games are no match for the warriors who've earned true resources, and who've built strong families and communities. The once "lovely" liars who threw themselves at you, shamelessly, know nothing of true fire, a fire that burns only to create constant growth and restoration. They called from mountainous fields, lost and afraid in their own weakness, vulnerable to your predatory plundering. Their voices strained with pathetic strains of seemingly- sorrowful days, kept. They know better now. The pirates will have their way with you. You believe the sirens call you. No. Sirens sing only, and always, to sing. True men of honor build and keep their own fires away from Jezebels. Your tower teeters..as it burns. Down. - King Richard's Fair Lady -

BEAUTIFUL LONG-HAIRED HIPPIE: Man in the purple paisley pants at Trader Joes on December 11. You smiled at me and offered the nicest compliment about my hat. I suddenly found myself enchanted, and drawn to you like a moth to a flame. I followed you (I am not a stalker) to Guitar Center and waited for you to walk back to your car to get one more glimpse of someone I think my spirit has been longing for. Please find me. I would love to be home for Christmas, with you. I will be there at the same time next week, with my hat on, in the hope of experiencing you again. Sara

COOLEST CAT EVER: I work with you and you're such a delight to be around. I didn't realize how much I actually liked you until a few weeks ago. Coming in to work and seeing you is the best part of being here. I don't think you'll see this, and even if you do I hope you aren't able to connect the dots yet, even though you're one of the smartest people I've ever met. One day I'll tell you.

RELATIONSHIP CODED: Normally I don't ghost people, however this time my patience was at its limit. First off I'm very glad that you are taking control of your mental health seeing a counselor and working through some serious issues. What I don't appreciate is being strung along and kept waiting and then you give me an excuse of why you and I were not able to get together. And then in the same breath you hook up with random people. That's your choice, but I'm not sticking around for that. Best wishes. I hope you heal with your recent surgeries, if I see you around I'll be polite but you lost a real one, take care nurse.

AT THE GREEN MARKET: Your pooch would just as soon drive but seemed at spoiled as my pooch. If you have still have nothing planned for the solstice lets meet to make plans. Other than not asking then it was great meeting and visiting with you at the Green Market. If you see this drop me a line "[email protected]" Enjoy

CJ THE UBER DRIVER... You drove me from Satellite diner to my home. We talked about a lot of personal things. You asked me something that I wished I said yes to. I'm intrigued and I'd love to meet up for drinks if the connection was legit. If so, message me at [email protected] stating your daytime job, a couple things we talked about, and my name. Hopefully I hear from you.


LOVE I DIDN'T THINK WAS POSSIBLE: LK, Thank you for being the love of my life, and redefining what love meant to me. Ten years later, it keeps getting better every day! You're my world. EB.

RE: RE: RE: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO DO? I cannot speak for all unhoused individuals, but I am confident my feelings are shared by most individuals sleeping in their car. It is best you keep your money and food. I might make better wages than you. Nonetheless, your offers restore my faith in humanity some days. My diet is not monetarily restricted, however time has proven meals to be only moderately enjoyable at best when consumed in solitude. I usually have no problem letting it be known I sleep in my car (when asked). Similar to how most of you have no problem sharing what neighborhood you live in (when asked). My least favorite response is "OMG i Am So SoRrY." I can't help but think how sorry I am for the suckers paying $1300/mo for a studio they get to spend 10 hrs a day in. Circumstances have pushed me into urban car living so many times anything else seems expensive and unsustainable. What can you do to help? Above all else: STOP CALLING THE AUTHORITIES WHEN YOU SEE US SLEEPING IN OUR CARS. There are so few places to sleep, I don't need my good spots getting put on the police radar. Sometimes I'll get woken up 2-3 times a night just to be told "move along, u can't car camp here." I don't drive a junky vehicle. I don't leave a mess. I'll be gone well before 9am (usually 8). Just let me sleep. IF YOU SEE A CAR STUCK/BROKE DOWN; HELP. This should be basic human kindness. I have been absolutely stranded a handful of times and saved by the grace of God and a few compassionate strangers. Without them I would live in a cardboard box. Because of this I will ALMOST always stop and help any stalled vehicle... Especially if it looks like a home. NO, I DONT WANT TO SLEEP IN A SHELTER. I have plenty of experience staying warm. I do my laundry at the Laundromat. I shower at the gym. I see no need to become mixed up in the riff raff of a shelter, just swarming with drugs, bugs and weirdos. Hope this helps you help me.

A FRIEND MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD: Cheers to a rare gem, a female friend who empowers, uplifts, protects, and nurtures other women! Your kindness, generosity, love, and open mind (and door) are a gift that not many have to offer. You have been there and uplifted me through the hardest of times and supported me in my success, always cheering me on. You make me feel seen, heard, important, and ENOUGH. May you keep shining and never let this difficult time of heartbreak put your light out. There will never be a loyal friend quite like you, that can ever replace you, or who will ever hold the place in my heart, where I keep you. I love you, bestie! Keep your head up, we will get through this together, Luda F.!!


WAIT YOUR TURN... Before you kill someone. Seriously, what do you think the white guy on the crosswalk sign means at a stop light? Holiday decorations year round? No you sodding lunatics. It means the pedestrian has the right of way, and you do not get to sneak a turn and almost run them over because someone might steal your place at the bar. I cannot tell you how many cars do not seem to give a reindeer's leftie whether there's a human being crossing (where they are supposed to cross, might I add), they want the road to themselves. And normally? It's someone 50 or above. Like you old man in the silver pick up truck that damn near ran me over (I waited to see what you were doing, you sat there and I thought you were actually going to wait like a good driver until it was clear) and had the nerve to look like you were the wronged one. Pay attention, you are going to kill someone acting like that.

ILLEGAL PLATES: So, I'm watching the news and noting that Washington state is expecting a budget deficit in the billions of dollars going forward. After that cheerful news, I'm in a large parking lot at a store on Foothills and I note that the nice Mazda in front of me has plates that expired early in 2023. As I begin to look around, I notice there are expired tabs all over Spokane. What makes these people so confident that they don't have to obey the same laws the rest of us do? Perhaps it's because they don't. Maybe it's time for law enforcement to notice the same cars that I do, pull them over, and give them a ticket for the maximum amount. Maybe this is one way to help offset budget deficits? It won't make much difference if just a few of us are annoyed. Perhaps it's time other voices were added to this concern and people start demanding there be consequences for disobeying laws. Spokane: near nature. Near lots and lots of expired plates.

FIRE, INSURANCE, AND POLICIES: Insurance companies could have policies that include the needed necessities for in case of events. Purchasing a home has anxieties and buying coverage might alleviate the anxieties as to overlook the "what ifs" for emergencies..

BUSINESSES WITHOUT BATHROOMS: Research shows that people with disabilities who have access to restrooms are more likely to be repeat customers, yet businesses are choosing not to have them. Imagine being so committed to ableism that you're willing to lose money. ♦

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Broken Mic @ Neato Burrito

Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m.
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